CX Design VS UX Design


CX Design

UX Design


Broad focus on the overall customer journey.

Focuses specifically on the user’s interaction with a product or service.


Encompasses all touchpoints between the customer and the brand.

Primarily concerned with the user’s interaction within a specific product or service.


Aims to create positive perceptions, emotions, and satisfaction throughout the entire customer journey.

Aims to enhance user satisfaction and usability by improving the interaction with a product.


Long-term relationship building.

Short-term focus on immediate user interactions.


Involves various touchpoints such as marketing, sales, customer service, etc.

Primarily focused on the interaction touchpoints within the product or service itself.


Metrics may include Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer satisfaction, loyalty, etc.

Metrics often include usability, efficiency, learnability, and user satisfaction within the product.


Involves multiple departments across the organization.

Primarily involves designers, developers, and product teams within a specific project.


Holistic approach considering the entire customer lifecycle.

Concentrates on improving specific interactions and usability within a product or service.


Includes elements of usability, accessibility, branding, and emotional connection.

Focuses on the visual and interactive aspects, information architecture, and user flow within a product.

Feedback Channels

Involves feedback from various sources including customer reviews, surveys, and social media.

Gathers feedback through usability testing, user interviews, and analytics within the product.


Adapts to changes in customer expectations and market trends.

Adapts to changes in user needs, technological advancements, and design trends within a product.

What is Customer Experience Design?

Customer Experience Design (CXD) is a tactical business strategy that focuses on creating fun and effortless experiences for customers across the whole buying cycle of the brand. In a dynamic market full of competition where there is not necessarily a quality good to drive customers, CXD becomes a major determinant of success. It includes understanding what the customers need, want, or expect, and then utilizing that information to produce both visually appealing and emotionally engrossing experiences.

Customer Experience Design

CXD intends to map the customer journey, identify the touchpoints, and ensure consistency in channels. Organizations use the development of articulated noticeable user personas to refine their offerings for particular groups thus creating an emotional bond. CXD includes implementing the continuous improvement philosophy with feedback analysis and cross-functional cooperation which aims at refinement and upgrading of customer experience. Technology is applied for personalization and monitoring of an organization’s success via key measuring indices which, in the long run, builds customer orientation in organizations. Customer Experience Design or CXD has not lost its relevance in building customer loyalty, positive brand perception, and sustainable growth and development in the face of changing business environment and the complex world of customer expectations or market dynamics.

Table of Content

  • CX Design VS UX Design
  • Benefits of Customer Experience Design
  • Customer Experience Design Process
  • Examples of Customer Experience Design
  • Best Practices
  • Conclusion

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To sum up, CXD is a strategic priority that fulfills through the touchpoint between the customer and the organization. We can see examples of such companies as Apple, Amazon, and Airbnb, which are not only the cases of the benefits for the customers, but also the cases of the benefits for the companies in the competition arena. CXD is not an activity but a process that is learning, loving, and exceeding the customer’s expectation continuously. Companies that put CXD at the center of their strategy are usually market leaders who are very fast and change well in a dynamic environment and deliver value continuously. However, customer experience is the essence of brand perception and how the brand can be successful, hence CXD is not just a strategy....