Cyber Security Awareness

Workshops and Training Sessions:

  1. We conducted workshops in various rural communities to educate people about basic cyber security principles.
  2. Topics covered included safe internet practices, recognizing phishing attempts, and protecting personal information online.
  3. We used interactive sessions and real-life examples to make the content relatable and easy to understand.

Collaborations with Local Schools:

  1. Partnered with local schools to integrate cyber security education into their curriculum.
  2. Developed age-appropriate materials to teach children about online safety, responsible use of social media, and the dangers of cyberbullying.

Distribution of Educational Materials:

  1. Created and distributed brochures, posters, and handouts that provided easy-to-follow cyber security tips.
  2. Used visual aids and local languages to ensure the information was accessible to everyone, regardless of literacy levels.

GKSM NGO Work Experience

After my 3rd semester of engineering, I completed a rural internship at GKSM NGO, located in Vyara, Gujarat. During my time there, I had the opportunity to work on several impactful projects aimed at improving the lives of people in rural areas. Our main focus areas were cyber security awareness and women empowerment. Here’s an overview of the work we did and the experiences I had.

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