Cyber Security in Critical Infrastructure Threat Landscape

Cyber threats may compromise critical infrastructure and can come in many different forms, such as:

Threat Landscape in Critical Infrastructure

  • Cyber Warfare: Cyber threats could be launched by states and actors granted state support to implement espionage, launching cyberattacks that collapse critical services or destroy advisory systems.
  • Cyber Terrorism: Cyber terrorist groups and other non-state actors can engage in such attacks to create a sense of chaos, terror, and fear.
  • Cyber Crime: Bypassing security systems poses an appealing opportunity, as organized crime groups exploit vulnerabilities in critical infrastructures to steal or demand money, or to produce service interruptions.
  • Insider Threats: Insiders who are evil-minded or employees who are negligent with care are very close to serious risks. They can access vital systems by either exploiting some vulnerabilities or unintentionally leading to security lapses.

Understanding Cyber Security in Critical Infrastructure

The Cybersecurity features of critical infrastructure have rapidly emerged in a digital society and are doing more on online networks. Present-time civilization is largely based on a variety of networks and computer systems in which power supply systems, transportation infrastructure, hospitals, banks, and other institutions of the financial systems operate.

The hard practice of cyber security has another side of vulnerability wherein the dependence on digital technology may lead to a broken cyber defense system becoming one of the targets for cybercriminals. Cybersecurity in critical infrastructure is not only about technicality but it is a matter of historic priority to shrink the chances of economic crisis, public disorder, and national threat.

In this article, we will take a critical look at cyber security as it relates to the essential infrastructures with their challenges, advised methodologies or best practices, and some of the scenarios or examples in the real world where cyber security has been a problem.

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As we come to the end of the article the cybersecurity of the critical infrastructures remains a vital problem that impacts in many ways the society which greatly depends on networked digital systems. Critical Infrastructure, as a vulnerable target for cyber-attacks, can have a devastating impact on national security, stating risks that can be translated into alternative views-situations, involving millions of those affected and the economy being compromised. The organizations might enhance their resistance of critical infrastructure to up-and-coming cyber-attacks. Furthermore, they ensure that a steady, friendly, and secure society is in place by studying what constitutes a cyber threat, developing feasible remedies and finally endorsing generally acceptable procedures....

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