Data Science Interview Questions for Experienced

Q.80 Explain multivariate distribution in data science.

A vector with several normally distributed variables is said to have a multivariate normal distribution if any linear combination of the variables likewise has a normal distribution. The multivariate normal distribution is used to approximatively represent the features of specific characteristics in machine learning, but it is also important in extending the central limit theorem to several variables.

Q.81 Describe the concept of conditional probability density function (PDF).

In probability theory and statistics, the conditional probability density function (PDF) is a notion that represents the probability distribution of a random variable within a certain condition or constraint. It measures the probability of a random variable having a given set of values given a set of circumstances or events.

Q.82 What is the cumulative distribution function (CDF), and how is it related to PDF?

The probability that a continuous random variable will take on particular values within a range is described by the Probability Density Function (PDF), whereas the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) provides the cumulative probability that the random variable will fall below a given value. Both of these concepts are used in probability theory and statistics to describe and analyse probability distributions. The PDF is the CDF’s derivative, and they are related by integration and differentiation.

Q.83 What is ANOVA? What are the different ways to perform ANOVA tests?

The statistical method known as ANOVA, or Analysis of Variance, is used to examine the variation in a dataset and determine whether there are statistically significant variations between group averages. When comparing the means of several groups or treatments to find out if there are any notable differences, this method is frequently used.

There are several different ways to perform ANOVA tests, each suited for different types of experimental designs and data structures:

  1. One-Way ANOVA
  2. Two-Way ANOVA
  3. Three-Way ANOVA

When conducting ANOVA tests we typically calculate an F-statistic and compare it to a critical value or use it to calculate a p-value.

Q.84 How can you prevent gradient descent from getting stuck in local minima?

Ans: The local minima problem occurs when the optimization algorithm converges a solution that is minimum within a small neighbourhood of the current point but may not be the global minimum for the objective function.

To mitigate local minimal problems, we can use the following technique:

  1. Use initialization techniques like Xavier/Glorot and He to model trainable parameters. This will help to set appropriate initial weights for the optimization process.
  2. Set Adam or RMSProp as optimizer, these adaptive learning rate algorithms can adapt the learning rates for individual parameters based on historical gradients.
  3. Introduce stochasticity in the optimization process using mini-batches, which can help the optimizer to escape local minima by adding noise to the gradient estimates.
  4. Adding more layers or neurons can create a more complex loss landscape with fewer local minima.
  5. Hyperparameter tuning using random search cv and grid search cv helps to explore the parameter space more thoroughly suggesting right hyperparameters for training and reducing the risk of getting stuck in local minima.

Q.85 Explain the Gradient Boosting algorithms in machine learning.

Gradient boosting techniques like XGBoost, and CatBoost are used for regression and classification problems. It is a boosting algorithm that combines the predictions of weak learners to create a strong model. The key steps involved in gradient boosting are:

  1. Initialize the model with weak learners, such as a decision tree.
  2. Calculate the difference between the target value and predicted value made by the current model.
  3. Add a new weak learner to calculate residuals and capture the errors made by the current ensemble.
  4. Update the model by adding fraction of the new weak learner’s predictions. This updating process can be controlled by learning rate.
  5. Repeat the process from step 2 to 4, with each iteration focusing on correcting the errors made by the previous model.

Q.86 Explain convolutions operations of CNN architecture?

In a CNN architecture, convolution operations involve applying small filters (also called kernels) to input data to extract features. These filters slide over the input image covering one small part of the input at a time, computing dot products at each position creating a feature map. This operation captures the similarity between the filter’s pattern and the local features in the input. Strides determine how much the filter moves between positions. The resulting feature maps capture patterns, such as edges, textures, or shapes, and are essential for image recognition tasks. Convolution operations help reduce the spatial dimensions of the data and make the network translation-invariant, allowing it to recognize features in different parts of an image. Pooling layers are often used after convolutions to further reduce dimensions and retain important information.

Q.87 What is feed forward network and how it is different from recurrent neural network?

Deep learning designs that are basic are feedforward neural networks and recurrent neural networks. They are both employed for different tasks, but their structure and how they handle sequential data differ.

Feed Forward Neural Network

  • In FFNN, the information flows in one direction, from input to output, with no loops
  • It consists of multiple layers of neurons, typically organized into an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer.
  • Each neuron in a layer is connected to every neuron in the subsequent layer through weighted connections.
  • FNNs are primarily used for tasks such as classification and regression, where they take a fixed-size input and produce a corresponding output

Recurrent Neural Network

  • A recurrent neural network is designed to handle sequential data, where the order of input elements matters. Unlike FNNs, RNNs have connections that loop back on themselves, allowing them to maintain a hidden state that carries information from previous time steps.
  • This hidden state enables RNNs to capture temporal dependencies and context in sequential data, making them well-suited for tasks like natural language processing, time series analysis, and sequence generation.
  • However, standard RNNs have limitations in capturing long-range dependencies due to the vanishing gradient problem.

Q.88 Explain the difference between generative and discriminative models?

Generative models focus on generating new data samples, while discriminative models concentrate on classification and prediction tasks based on input data.

Generative Models:

  • Objective: Model the joint probability distribution P(X, Y) of input X and target Y.
  • Use: Generate new data, often for tasks like image and text generation.
  • Examples: Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).

Discriminative Models:

  • Objective: Model the conditional probability distribution P(Y | X) of target Y given input X.
  • Use: Classify or make predictions based on input data.
  • Examples: Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image classification.

Q.89 What is the forward and backward propogations in deep learning?

Forward and backward propagations are key processes that occur during neural network training in deep learning. They are essential for optimizing network parameters and learning meaningful representations from input.

The process by which input data is passed through the neural network to generate predictions or outputs is known as forward propagation. The procedure begins at the input layer, where data is fed into the network. Each neuron in a layer calculates the weighted total of its inputs, applies an activation function, and sends the result to the next layer. This process continues through the hidden layers until the final output layer produces predictions or scores for the given input data.

The technique of computing gradients of the loss function with regard to the network’s parameters is known as backward propagation. It is utilized to adjust the neural network parameters during training using optimization methods such as gradient descent.

The process starts with the computation of the loss, which measures the difference between the network’s predictions and the actual target values. Gradients are then computed by using the chain rule of calculus to propagate this loss backward through the network. This entails figuring out how much each parameter contributed to the error. The computed gradients are used to adjust the network’s weights and biases, reducing the error in subsequent forward passes.

Q.90 Describe the use of Markov models in sequential data analysis?

Markov models are effective methods for capturing and modeling dependencies between successive data points or states in a sequence. They are especially useful when the current condition is dependent on earlier states. The Markov property, which asserts that the future state or observation depends on the current state and is independent of all prior states. There are two types of Markov models used in sequential data analysis:

  • Markov chains are the simplest form of Markov models, consisting of a set of states and transition probabilities between these states. Each state represents a possible condition or observation, and the transition probabilities describe the likelihood of moving from one state to another.
  • Hidden Markov Models extend the concept of Markov chains by introducing a hidden layer of states and observable emissions associated with each hidden state. The true state of the system (hidden state) is not directly observable, but the emissions are observable.


  • HMMs are used to model phonemes and words in speech recognition systems, allowing for accurate transcription of spoken language
  • HMMs are applied in genomics for gene prediction and sequence alignment tasks. They can identify genes within DNA sequences and align sequences for evolutionary analysis.
  • Markov models are used in modeling financial time series data, such as stock prices, to capture the dependencies between consecutive observations and make predictions.

Q.91 What is generative AI?

Generative AI is an abbreviation for Generative Artificial Intelligence, which refers to a class of artificial intelligence systems and algorithms that are designed to generate new, unique data or material that is comparable to, or indistinguishable from, human-created data. It is a subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on the creative component of AI, allowing machines to develop innovative outputs such as writing, graphics, audio, and more. There are several generative AI models and methodologies, each adapted to different sorts of data and applications such as:

  1. Generative AI models such as GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) can generate human-like text.” Natural language synthesis, automated content production, and chatbot responses are all common uses for these models.
  2. Images are generated using generative adversarial networks (GANs).” GANs are made up of a generator network that generates images and a discriminator network that determines the authenticity of the generated images. Because of the struggle between the generator and discriminator, high-quality, realistic images are produced.
  3. Generative AI can also create audio content, such as speech synthesis and music composition.” Audio content is generated using models such as WaveGAN and Magenta.

Q.92 What are different neural network architecture used to generate artificial data in deep learning?

Various neural networks are used to generate artificial data. Here are some of the neural network architectures used for generating artificial data:

  1. GANs consist of two components – generator and discriminator, which are trained simultaneously through adversarial training. They are used to generating high-quality images, such as photorealistic faces, artwork, and even entire scenes.
  2. VAEs are generative models that learn a probabilistic mapping from the data space to a latent space. They also consist of encoder and decoder. They are used for generating images, reconstructing missing parts of images, and generating new data samples. They are also applied in generating text and audio.
  3. RNNs are a class of neural networks with recurrent connections that can generate sequences of data. They are often used for sequence-to-sequence tasks. They are used in text generation, speech synthesis, music composition.
  4. Transformers are a type of neural network architecture that has gained popularity for sequence-to-sequence tasks. They use self-attention mechanisms to capture dependencies between different positions in the input data. They are used in natural language processing tasks like machine translation, text summarization, and language generation.
  5. Autoencoders are neural networks that are trained to reconstruct their input data. Variants like denoising autoencoders and contractive autoencoders can be used for data generation. They are used for image denoising, data inpainting, and generating new data samples.

Q.93 What is deep reinforcement learning technique?

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is a cutting-edge machine learning technique that combines the principles of reinforcement learning with the capability of deep neural networks. Its ability to enable machines to learn difficult tasks independently by interacting with their environments, similar to how people learn via trial and error, has garnered significant attention.

DRL is made up of three fundamental components:

  1. The agent interacts with the environment and takes decision.
  2. The environment is the outside world with which the agent interacts and receives feedback.
  3. The reward signal is a scalar value provided by the environment after each action, guiding the agent toward maximizing cumulative rewards over time.


  1. In robotics, DRL is used to control robots, manipulation and navigation.
  2. DRL plays a role in self-driving cars and vehicle control
  3. Can also be used for customized recommendations

Q.94 What is transfer learning, and how is it applied in deep learning?

Transfer learning is a strong machine learning and deep learning technique that allows models to apply knowledge obtained from one task or domain to a new, but related. It is motivated by the notion that what we learn in one setting can be applied to a new, but comparable, challenge.

Benefits of Transfer Learning:

  • We may utilize knowledge from a large dataset by starting with a pretrained model, making it easier to adapt to a new task with data.
  • Training a deep neural network from scratch can be time-consuming and costly in terms of compute. Transfer learning enables us to bypass the earliest phases of training, saving both time and resources.
  • Pretrained models frequently learn rich data representations. Models that use these representations can generalize better, even when the target task has a smaller dataset.

Transfer Learning Process:

  • Feature Extraction
    • It’s a foundation step in transfer learning. The pretrained data is already trained on large and diverse dataset for a related task.
    • To leverage the knowlege, output layers of the pretrained model are removed leaving the layers responsible for feature extraction. The target data is passed through these layers to extract feature information.
    • using these extracted features, the model captures patterns and representations from the data.
  • Fine Tuning
    • After the feature extraction process, the model is fine-tuned for the specific target task.
    • Output layers are added to the model and these layer are designed to produce the desired output for the target task.
    • Backpropagation is used to iteratively update the model’s weights during fine-tuning. This method allows the model to tailor its representations and decision boundaries to the specifics of the target task.
    • Even as the model focuses in the target task, the knowledge and features learned from the pre-trained layers continue to contribute to its understanding. This dual learning process improves the model’s performance and enables it to thrive in tasks that require little data or resources.

Q.95 What is difference between object detections and image segmentations.

Object detection and Image segmentation are both computer vision tasks that entail evaluating and comprehending image content, but they serve different functions and give different sorts of information.

Object Detection:

  • goal of object detection is to identify and locate objects and represent the object in bounding boxes with their respective labels.
  • used in applications like autonomous driving for detecting pedestrians and vehicle

Image Segmentation:

  • focuses on partitioning an image into multiple regions, where each segment corresponding to a coherent part of the image.
  • provide pixel level labeling of the entire image
  • used in applications that require pixel level understanding such as medical image analysis for organ and tumor delineation.

Q.96 Explain the concept of word embeddings in natural language processing (NLP).

In NLP, the concept of word embedding is use to capture semantic and contextual information. Word embeddings are dense representations of words or phrases in continuous-valued vectors in a high-dimensional space. Each word is mapped to a vector with the real numbers, these vectors are learned from large corpora of text data.

Word embeddings are based on the Distributional Hypothesis, which suggests that words that appear in similar context have similar meanings. This idea is used by word embedding models to generate vector representations that reflect the semantic links between words depending on how frequently they co-occur with other words in the text.

The most common word embeddings techniques are-

  • Bag of Words (BOW)
  • Word2Vec
  • Glove: Global Vector for word representation
  • Term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF)
  • BERT

Q.97 What is seq2seq model?

A neural network architecture called a Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) model is made to cope with data sequences, making it particularly helpful for jobs involving variable-length input and output sequences. Machine translation, text summarization, question answering, and other tasks all benefit from its extensive use in natural language processing.

The Seq2Seq consists of two main components: encoder and decoder. The encoder takes input sequence and converts into fixed length vector . The vector captures features and context of the sequence. The decoder takes the vector as input and generated output sequence. This autoregressive technique frequently entails influencing the subsequent prediction using the preceding one.

Q.98 What is artificial neural networks.

Artificial neural networks take inspiration from structure and functioning of human brain. The computational units in ANN are called neurons and these neurons are responsible to process and pass the information to the next layer.

ANN has three main components:

  • Input Layer: where the network receives input features.
  • Hidden Layer: one or more layers of interconnected neurons responsible for learning patterns in the data
  • Output Layer: provides final output on processed information.

Q.99 What is marginal probability?

A key idea in statistics and probability theory is marginal probability, which is also known as marginal distribution. With reference to a certain variable of interest, it is the likelihood that an event will occur, without taking into account the results of other variables. Basically, it treats the other variables as if they were “marginal” or irrelevant and concentrates on one.

Marginal probabilities are essential in many statistical analyses, including estimating anticipated values, computing conditional probabilities, and drawing conclusions about certain variables of interest while taking other variables’ influences into account.

Q.100 What are the probability axioms?

The fundamental rules that control the behaviour and characteristics of probabilities in probability theory and statistics are referred to as the probability axioms, sometimes known as the probability laws or probability principles.

There are three fundamental axioms of probability:

  1. Non-Negativity Axiom
  2. Normalization Axiom
  3. Additivity Axiom

Data Science Interview Questions and Answers

Data Science Interview Questions – Explore the Data Science Interview Questions and Answers for beginners and experienced professionals looking for new opportunities in data science.

We all know that data science is a field where data scientists mine raw data, analyze it, and extract useful insights from it. The article outlines the frequently asked questionas during the data science interview. Practising all the below questions will help you to explore your career as a data scientist.

Table of Content

  • Basic Data Science Interview Questions For Fresher
  • Intermediate Data Science Interview Questions
  • Data Science Interview Questions for Experienced

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