Database as Not an Actor

In traditional transactional systems and layered architectures, the database is typically not considered an actor. Instead, it is seen as a passive storage mechanism that is accessed and manipulated by the application or other system components on behalf of the actors. The database is part of the system’s infrastructure and does not actively participate in system interactions

Transactional Systems

In typical transactional systems, where the focus is on modeling the interactions between users or external systems and the software application, the database is usually not considered an actor. Instead, the database is seen as a passive storage mechanism that is accessed and manipulated by the application on behalf of the actors.

Data Access Layer

In layered architectures, such as those following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, the database is often part of the data access layer and is not considered an actor. The data access layer abstracts the database and provides a way for the application to interact with the database without directly involving the actors.

Is Database an Actor?

In UML (Unified Modeling Language) and software systems design, whether a database is considered an actor depends on the perspective and focus of the system being modeled.

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A database can be considered an actor when it actively participates in system processes or interactions, such as in data warehousing, database replication, or other scenarios where the database plays an active role beyond being a passive storage mechanism.”...

Database as Not an Actor

In traditional transactional systems and layered architectures, the database is typically not considered an actor. Instead, it is seen as a passive storage mechanism that is accessed and manipulated by the application or other system components on behalf of the actors. The database is part of the system’s infrastructure and does not actively participate in system interactions...