Dataset Overview

The dataset used in this analysis contains information on COVID-19 vaccine distribution and administration. It includes attributes such as date, location (e.g., country, region), vaccine manufacturer, doses distributed, doses administered, and population demographics. Each record represents a daily snapshot of vaccine-related activities in a specific geographic area.

Dataset Link: COVID-19 Vaccination

The dataset consists of COVID-19-related metrics for different countries or regions. Here’s an introduction to each column:

  • Country.Region: The name of the country or region.
  • Confirmed: The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases.
  • Deaths: The total number of deaths attributed to COVID-19.
  • Recovered: The total number of individuals who have recovered from COVID-19.
  • Active: The number of active COVID-19 cases (Confirmed – Deaths – Recovered).
  • New.cases: The number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases reported.
  • New.deaths: The number of new deaths attributed to COVID-19 reported.
  • New.recovered: The number of new recoveries reported.
  • Deaths…100.Cases: The percentage of deaths among confirmed cases.
  • Recovered…100.Cases: The percentage of recoveries among confirmed cases.
  • Deaths…100.Recovered: The percentage of deaths among recovered cases.
  • Confirmed.last.week: The total number of confirmed cases reported in the previous week.
  • X1.week.change: The change in confirmed cases compared to the previous week.
  • X1.week…increase: Indicates whether there was an increase in confirmed cases compared to the previous week.
  • WHO.Region: The World Health Organization (WHO) region to which the country or region belongs.

COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard in R

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a global vaccination effort of unprecedented scale. Monitoring vaccine distribution and administration is essential for assessing progress and identifying areas for improvement. In this article, we will explore how to build a COVID-19 Vaccination Tracker Dashboard using R, allowing stakeholders to visualize and analyze vaccination data in R Programming Language.

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