De Morgan’s Law

State De Morgan’s first law statement in set theory.

The De Morgan’s first law in set theory states that ” The complement of union of two sets is equal to the intersection of their individual complements”.

State De Morgan’s second law statement in Boolean algebra.

The De Morgan’s second law in Boolean algebra states that ” The complement of AND of two or more variables is equal to the OR of the complement of each variable”.

Write the formula for De Morgan’s law in set theory.

The formula for De Morgan’s law in set theory:

(i) (A ∪ B)’ = A’ ∩ B’

(ii) (A ∩ B)’ = A’ ∪ B’

Write the formula for De Morgan’s law in Boolean algebra.

The formula for De Morgan’s law in Boolean algebra:

(i) (A + B)’ = A’ . B’

(ii) (A . B)’ = A’ + B’

Write some applications of De Morgan’s law.

Some of the applications of De Morgan’s law is to minimize the complex Boolean expression and to simply it.

How to prove De Morgan’s law?

The De Morgan’s law in the set theory can be proved by the Venn diagrams and De Morgan’s law in the Boolean algebra can be proved by truth tables.

De Morgan’s Law – Theorem, Proofs, Formula & Examples

De Morgan’s law is the most common law in set theory and Boolean algebra as well as set theory. In this article, we will learn about De Morgan’s law, De Morgan’s law in set theory, and De Morgan’s law in Boolean algebra along with its proofs, truth tables, and logic gate diagrams. The article also includes the solved De Morgan’s Law Example and FAQs on De Morgan’s law. Let us learn about De Morgan’s law.

Table of Content

  • What is De Morgan’s Law
  • De Morgan’s Law in Set Theory
  • First De Morgan’s Law
  • Second De Morgan’s Law
  • Proof Using Algebra of Sets
  • De Morgan’s Law in Boolean Algebra
  • De Morgan’s Law Formula
  • Solved Examples on De Morgan’s Law
  • Logic Applications of De Morgan’s Law

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De Morgan’s Law in Set Theory

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First De Morgan’s Law

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Second De Morgan’s Law

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Second De Morgan’s Law in Boolean Algebra

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Solved Examples on De Morgan’s Law

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Showcase Examples of De Morgan’s Law

Context Example Logic Puzzles Puzzle: If it is not true that “It is raining and cold,” what can we infer? Application of De Morgan’s Law: We can infer that “It is not raining or it is not cold.” This uses De Morgan’s Law to simplify the negation of a conjunction into a disjunction. Programming Scenario: Checking if a number is neither positive nor even in a programming language. Code Snippet (Pseudocode): if !(number > 0 and number % 2 == 0) can be simplified using De Morgan’s Law to if (number <= 0 or number % 2 != 0). This demonstrates how De Morgan’s Law helps in simplifying conditional statements. Mathematical Proofs Statement: Prove that the complement of the intersection of two sets A and B is equal to the union of their complements. Application of De Morgan’s Law: According to De Morgan’s Law, (A ∩ B)’ = A’ ∪ B’. This shows how De Morgan’s Law is used to simplify expressions in set theory....

De Morgan’s Law Practical Examples

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Logic Applications of De Morgan’s Law

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De Morgan’s Law – FAQs

State De Morgan’s first law statement in set theory....