Deloitte Data Analyst

Deloitte visited our campus to conduct interviews for the data analyst profile. Only B.Tech students from various branches (CS, CS & IT, IT, ECE, EE, and ME) were eligible to participate in this profile.

The interview process comprised three rounds, all of which were conducted virtually on MS Teams, except for Round 1. The recruitment process proceeded as follows:

Round 1: Computer-Based Online Test (AMCAT)

The first round consisted of a computer-based online test using the AMCAT platform. The test covered the following topics:

  • Analytical Ability
  • Quantitative Ability
  • Verbal Ability

Duration: 60 minutes

Note: The questions were at an intermediate level. Having a strong foundation in the basics would help you navigate this round easily. To prepare, you can utilize any platform to enhance your understanding of concepts and for practice.

Out of the 545 students who participated, 100 successfully advanced to the next round

Round 2: Group Discussion (GD)

In this round, 100 students were divided into 16 cohorts, each comprising 5 to 6 students. Two interviewers were present in each cohort for evaluation. The round commenced with the introduction of each student within a cohort. Following this, a real-world problem scenario was presented during the group discussion (GD). The problem centered around challenges faced by old age homes today and required participants to propose potential solutions, which could be either technical or non-technical. While the exact problem statement has faded from memory, it pertained to addressing issues within old age homes. We were given approximately 3 to 4 minutes to comprehend the problem before engaging in the discussion.

Duration: 30 minutes

NOTE: To excel in this round:

  • Familiarity with the applications and use cases of the latest technologies is crucial. For instance, understanding how Virtual Reality (VR) can be employed in treating specific illnesses.
  • Confidence is key; don’t hesitate to share your answers.
  • Active listening while others present their solutions allows you to contribute more effectively.
  • Out of the initial 100 participants, 44 were selected to proceed to the next round.

Round-3: PI(Personal Interview)

Duration: 30 minutes

  • It begins with an introduction and then the interviewer reviewed the whole resume and asked each question about the skills & experience that I had mentioned in my resume as well as projects too.
  • After that he asked about my favorite subject I answered: Data Structure.
  • He questioned some data structure concepts like recursion, hashing, and sorting (bucket sort, merge sort, quick sort) and ask to write a program for factorial in recursion, the difference between linear & non-linear, and many more.
  • He gave me the real-based problem and the discussion begins on that.
  • In the end, he asked do you have any questions or queries? I answered: yes and asked about the feedback.


  • Do not mention anything in your resume that you don’t know.
  • Be confident.

Out of 44 students, 18 students were shortlisted and I was one of them.

Deloitte Interview Experience for Data Analyst

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Deloitte Data Analyst

Deloitte visited our campus to conduct interviews for the data analyst profile. Only B.Tech students from various branches (CS, CS & IT, IT, ECE, EE, and ME) were eligible to participate in this profile....