Dependent Voltage Sources

A dependent voltage source is a type of voltage source whose output voltage is dependent on any other voltage or current in the circuit. Controlled voltage sources are two other names for dependent voltage sources.

There are two types of controlled voltage sources:

  • Voltage Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS)
  • Current Controlled Voltage Source (CCVS)

A voltage-dependent voltage source (VDVS) or voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS) is a voltage source whose output voltage is dependent on the voltage in any other part of the electric circuit. In contrast, a voltage source is referred to as a current-dependent voltage source (CDVS) or a current-controlled voltage source (CCVS) when its output voltage is dependent on the current in any other part of the circuit.

Dependent Voltage Sources

The figure depicts a diamond-shaped symbol with polarity marks that are used to represent dependent voltage sources. The reliant sources are utilized to show electronic circuits.

Voltage Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS)

An active device with two terminals that generates an output voltage proportional to an input voltage is known as a voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS). Simply put, the input voltage controls the output voltage. The connection between the info and result voltages is regularly communicated by a voltage gain, meant by a boundary image, for example, “A” or “Av.” The output voltage (V out) can be represented mathematically as:

VOUT = A x Vin

  • Gain in voltage (A): The amplification factor in a VCVS is determined by the voltage gain (A). Higher upsides of An outcome in the more prominent intensification of the info voltage, making VCVS ideal for applications where signal strength needs an upgrade.
  • Implementation of Op-Amps: VCVS qualities are many times mimicked or accomplished utilizing functional speakers (operation amps). When set up right, op-amps can behave like a good VCVS with low input impedance and high output impedance.
  • Linear Relationship: If it operates within its linear range, VCVS has a linear relationship between the input and output voltages. For accurate signal processing and reproduction, linearity is essential.

Current Controlled Voltage Source (CCVS)

A device that produces an output voltage proportional to an input current is called a Current Controlled Voltage Source (CCVS), also known as a voltage-controlled voltage source. A transconductance parameter, often denoted by the symbols “Gm” or “A,” describes the relationship between the input current and the output voltage in this instance. Mathematically, the output voltage (V out) can be expressed as:

VOUT = Gm x Iin

  • Transconductance (Gm): The transconductance (Gm) in a CCVS addresses the connection between the information current and the resulting voltage. It is the increase factor for the CCVS. A higher transconductance brings about a bigger change in yield voltage for a given change in input current.
  • Amplifiers for Operation: Operational amplifiers can be used to mimic CCVS characteristics, which are similar to those of VCVS. A CCVS with particular transconductance characteristics can be produced with the right op-amp configurations.
  • Ideal CCVS: Ideally, a CCVS would have zero output impedance and infinite input impedance, ensuring that the connected circuit has no effect on the input current or voltage, nor does the load.

What is Voltage Source ?

In electronic and electrical circuits, we have a responsibility to provide the components required for the circuit’s operation. For this purpose, we utilized voltage and current energy sources. The dynamic circuit components are the energy sources since they can supply power or gain power in the circuit. We will discuss the different kinds of voltage sources and what they are in this article.

In this article, we will be going through What is Voltage Source, We will go through types of Voltage Sources that are Independent and Dependent Voltage Sources, Further Independent Sources are Categorized as Direct and Alternating Sources and on the basis of Internal Resistance they are Categorized in Ideal Voltage Source and Practical Voltage Source, Dependent Sources are Categorized as Voltage Controlled Voltage Sources (VCVS) and Current Controlled Voltage Source (CCVS), At last, we will conclude our Article with Some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • Types
  • Independent Voltage Sources
  • Dependent Voltage Sources
  • Types of Independent Voltage Sources
  • Characteristics
  • Applications

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In conclusion, We have Gone through in brief About Voltage Source and Seen its Different Types which are Independent and Dependent Voltage Sources. The Voltage Source is the Component Which Provides Energy Supply Required for the operation of the Circuit. The Voltage Sources can be Further Classified as Dc, Ac and other Types based on there Requirements. The most Common examples of Voltage Sources are Battery, Cell, Generator, Etc....

FAQs on Voltage Source

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