Deploy the project

Now your project is ready to be deployed. To deploy it to Google Cloud Run, we need to containerize the project and the container to Google Container Registry (gcr).

Let’s see how it can be done.

  • Go to your project directory and open up the terminal.
  • Type gcloud init and select the GCP project in which you want to deploy the website and note the project id.
  • Type export project_id=THE_PROJECT_ID_NOTED.
  • Then type gcloud builds submit –tag${project_id}/helloworld:v1. This will take few minutes to complete.
  • Then type gcloud run deploy –image${project_id}/helloworld:v1 –platform managed
    • You will be prompted for the service name: press ENTER to accept the default name, helloworld.
    • You will be prompted for region: select the region of your choice.
    • You will be prompted to allow unauthenticated invocations: respond y

    Then wait for a few moments until the deployment is complete. On success, the command line displays the service URL.

  • Visit your deployed container by opening the service URL in a web browser.

Guide to deploy containers on Google Cloud Run

Google Cloud Run is one of the fast and scalable solution for your API deployment over secure https connection and can be considered as first choice of every developer. Well firebase is for static websites, right? What if we can deploy Dynamic websites on firebase too? All you need is Cloud Run. Here, in this tutorial we will be showing you how you can deploy a simple website on Cloud Run. we will be using Flask for the website. First set-up your system with Google Cloud SDK. If you don’t know how to do it I recommend you read through their official documentation here.

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