
Dermis is connected to the basal level of the epidermis. It consists of two layers of connective tissue, the papillary and the reticular dermis. The papillary layer is the upper layer of the dermis. It is thin and consists of loose connective tissues that connect the epidermis. The reticular layer is deeper, thicker, less cellular, and consists of bundles of collagen/dense connective tissue. It is the house of blood vessels, sensory neurons, and glands. 

Features of Dermis:

  • This layer is present at the basal of the epidermis.
  • Dermis is the thickets layer of skin.
  • It is made up of fibrous and elastic tissue.
  • It contains Glycoprotein, Mucopolysaccharides, and Chondroitin Sulfate which makes a gel-like constituency around the dermis. 
  • This layer contains- Seat glands, Hair follicles, Muscles, Nerves, and Blood vessels.
  • It consists of two layers of connective tissue that are the Reticular Dermis and the Papillary Dermis.

Reticular Dermis:

  • The reticular layer presents the basal of the epidermis.
  • It has a net-like structure supported by elastin and collagen fibers.
  • Fibers help the skin in the movement of microtubules and stretches of the skin.

Papillary Dermis:

  • Slightly thinner than the reticular dermis.
  • It is the top layer of the dermis.
  • It makes a strong bond that makes interlinking fingers between the dermis and the epidermis.
  • It provides the basement support and strong attachment for the epidermis.

The Function of Dermis:

  • It is a thick layer that contains glands, blood vessels, Hair follicles, lymphatic vessels, etc.
  • It supports the epidermis.
  • It is the main site of all chemical reactions in the skin.
  • Produce vitamin D with the reaction of cholesterol and sunlight. 
  • It participates in the body’s defense mechanism.
  • It is the main site of Humoral Immunity. 

Difference Between Epidermis and Dermis

Skin is the outermost layer of the body and serves as the first line of defense from invading foreign particles. It secrets acids and salt in liquid form. Epidermis is the outermost layer present on the body and the Dermis is the dense irregular connective tissue present beneath the epidermis. Dermis contains body fluids and vein that leads to blood circulation.

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