Description of rounds

Round 1

The test consisted of 2 different sections comprising English, DILR, and quantitative in one section and metallurgical domain questions in the other. Aptitude questions were easy. Domain questions were of moderate level. It was an elimination round. Only 10 were selected from 40+ candidates.

Round 2

The second round was a Group discussion. The panel consisted of all those 10 students who cleared the first round. It was an evaluation round (not elimination). After the topic was announced, we were asked to start the GD ASAP. This round was scheduled for 40 minutes but because of the intense discussion, it extended to 1 hour. There were two evaluators.

Round 3

Technical + HR interview

It was 20 minutes long. There were 2 panelists. First, they asked to give a brief introduction according to the sequence they asked. Then asked some HR questions like: “Tell me about your achievements”; “What do you do in your free time?”; “Do you play any sports?”, etc. After this, they asked technical questions from non-ferrous mostly related to Aluminium and Copper like the alloys of Aluminium and their production. During my projects and internships, they asked about the materials and their extraction. Some of them were like “What are the alternate ways to extract Potassium?”; “Can we use it as an alloying element? if ‘yes’ then with what metals?” (it was related to my internship project). Some questions from metal plating were also asked (mostly related to Iron and Aluminium). After about 8-10 technical questions, they again asked HR questions like: “Why do you want to be a part of Aditya Birla Group?”; “What are the subsidiaries of ABG?”.

Overall Experience:

It was quite engaging and fun

Guidance/Key points for juniors:

Start preparing for the aptitude test as soon as possible. Don’t wait for the placement season to start. It will help you a lot. Make your resume according to the company. Focus a bit more on your college major project (7th semester project). Include relevant projects and internships. Don’t try to fill all the spaces

with fake skills and projects. If you have really done well in sports, do include them in your achievements. HR was kinda impressed by my achievements :D. Confidence is the key for GD and PI. Group discussion is the most fun and challenging round. Practice it a lot! Just pick a hot topic from Google or CAT GD snippet and practice again and again. Be firm on what you believe and say throughout the GD. In every GD, try to make statements on some aspects like Population, Environment, Economy, Sustainability, Pollution,

Employment, affect on individual, health, Government, time etc. This will help you to make points in every GD and never run out of points. Try to dominate GD a bit (only a bit).

For the PI, “Introduce yourself” is the most important thing. It can decide your placement as it is the first impression of yours and it is judged the most. Practice this a number of times. Believe me, you will realize it. Include the projects in “Introduce yourself” about which you know the most and are ready to counter any question. This can allow you to drive the interview according to you. Answer all the questions with confidence. Practice the common questions asked in PI.

Aditya Birla Group Interview experience for GET

Number and Names of rounds during hiring:

There were 3 rounds of hiring:

  • Aptitude + Technical test
  • Group Discussion
  • Personal Interview

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Description of rounds:

Round 1...