Detailed Explanation

1. decode_varint(stream) Function

  • This function decodes a variable-length integer from the byte stream.
  • It reads the first byte to determine the format of the integer:
    • If the byte is less than 0xFD, it’s a single-byte integer.
    • If the byte is 0xFD, the next 2 bytes represent the integer.
    • If the byte is 0xFE, the next 4 bytes represent the integer.
    • If the byte is 0xFF, the next 8 bytes represent the integer.
  • The function returns the decoded integer and the number of bytes consumed.

2. deserialize_tx(serialized_tx) Function

  • This function takes the raw byte format of a Bitcoin transaction and deserializes it into a dictionary.
  • It begins by setting the offset to 0.
  • It reads the transaction version (4 bytes, little-endian) from the byte stream.
  • It decodes the number of transaction inputs (vin_count) and advances the offset accordingly.
  • For each input (vin), it:
    • Reads the transaction ID (txid, 32 bytes, reversed) and converts it to hexadecimal.
    • Reads the output index (vout, 4 bytes, little-endian).
    • Decodes the length of the scriptSig (script_length) and reads the scriptSig.
    • Reads the sequence number (4 bytes, little-endian).
    • Appends these values to the vin list.
  • It decodes the number of transaction outputs (vout_count) and advances the offset accordingly.
  • For each output (vout), it:
    • Reads the output value (value, 8 bytes, little-endian).
    • Decodes the length of the scriptPubKey (script_length) and reads the scriptPubKey.
    • Appends these values to the vout list.
    • Finally, it reads the transaction locktime (4 bytes, little-endian).
    • It returns a dictionary containing the version, list of inputs (vin), list of outputs (vout), and locktime.

3. Deserialization of Serialized Transaction

  • The serialized transaction is provided as a hexadecimal string.
  • The deserialize_tx function is called with the byte format of the serialized transaction.
  • The function returns a dictionary representing the deserialized transaction.
  • The deserialized transaction is then printed, including its version, inputs (vin), outputs (vout), and locktime.

This process allows you to convert a raw Bitcoin transaction into a structured format for analysis or further processing.

How to Decode Input Data from a Transaction?

When transactions are transmitted over the network or exchanged between applications, they are serialized. Serialization is most commonly used for encoding data structures for transmission over a network or for storage in a file. The serialization format of a transaction output is shown in Transaction output serialization. This article focuses on discussing steps to decode input data from a transaction.

Table of Content

  • What is Serialization?
  • Raw Bitcoin Transaction
  • Format of Various Fields in Serialized Transaction
  • Decoding the Transaction
  • Detailed Explanation
  • Verification
  • Conclusion

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