Determining Chi-Square critical value in R

In order to determine Chi-Square critical value, R provides us qchisq() function that has the following syntax:

Syntax: qchisq(p, df, lower.tail=TRUE) 


  •  p: The significance level to use
  • df: The degrees of freedom
  • lower.tail = TRUE: Then the probability to the left of p in the F distribution is returned
  • lower.tail = FALSE: Then the probability to the right is returned. 
  • Note that by default is TRUE.

Return Type: Returns the critical-value from the Critical-Square distribution

Let us consider an example in which we need to determine the Chi-Square critical value for the following data:

  • df = 7
  • significance level = 0.01


# Determine the Chi-Square critical value
qchisq(p = .01, df = 7, lower.tail = FALSE)



Hence, the Chi-Square critical value for a significance level of 0.01 and degrees of freedom = 7 comes out to be equal to 18.475. Hence, if the Chi-Square test statistic comes out to be greater than 18.475 then the results of the test would be considered statistically significant.

How to Find the Chi-Square Critical Value in R

In this article, we are going to see how to find the Chi-Square Critical Value in R programming language.

When the Chi-Square test is conducted, we get test statistics as an outcome. In order to find out whether the results of the Chi-Square are statistically significant, the test statistic is compared with the Chi-Square critical value. If the outcome of the test-statistic comes out to be greater than the Chi-Square statistic, the results of the test are considered statistically significant.

In order to Chi-Square critical value, we need the following data beforehand:

  • A significance level
  • Degrees of freedom

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