Developing the Project

With a clear problem statement in hand, we began developing our project. We created a PowerPoint presentation that detailed every aspect of our proposed solution. The presentation included:

  • Facilities Provided by Our Software: We envisioned a user-friendly application that could locate e-waste facilities, provide information on their services, and offer tips on proper e-waste disposal.
  • Technologies and Languages Used: Our software was to be built using modern programming languages and technologies like Python, JavaScript, and cloud-based databases.
  • Importance of the Project: Highlighting the environmental benefits and the importance of proper e-waste management, we aimed to emphasize the societal impact of our solution.
  • Target Audience: Our primary users would be individuals and organizations looking to dispose of electronic waste responsibly.

Smart India Hackathon Work Experience

Participating in the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) was one of the most enriching experiences of my academic career. Alongside my team of six talented individuals, I embarked on a journey to solve real-world problems through innovative solutions. This article delves into our adventure, highlighting the project we worked on, the challenges we faced, and the invaluable lessons we learned along the way.

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