Difference between BehaviorSubject and Observable





Has initial value emitted immediately after subscription. No initial value

Immediate Emit

Emits the latest value and all subsequent new values to new subscribers. Emits values over time which are after subscription.

Last value memory

Retains the latest value. Does not retain previous ones.

Use case

Useful when we need subscribers to get the current value. Useful when past values are not very important.


Maintaining the current user state in an application. Periodic data updates.


More complex, used when components need immediate access to the current state or values. Simple, used when there is a need for one-way data flow.

What is the Difference Between BehaviorSubject and Observable in Angular ?

Angular being a powerful framework offers various features and tools. One such powerful feature is to handle asynchronous operations by implementing the BehaviorSubject and Observable, which are the key components of the RxJS library. It also helps to manage the flow of data reactively. This article covers the basics of BehaviorSubject and Observable in Angular, along with understanding their basic implementation, & the differences between them.

Table of Content

  • BehaviorSubject
  • Observable
  • Difference between BehaviorSubject and Observable

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Difference between BehaviorSubject and Observable
