Difference Between Bond and Bail

How much does regular bail cost?

The cost of normal bail in India is not fixed and varies on the following grounds:

  • The nature and severity of the offense.
  • The actus rea and mens rea of the criminal(guilty act, guilty mind).
  • The risk of the accused leaving.

Furthermore, the cost of ordinary bail may differ based on the state or territory in which the accused individual is detained, as well as the jurisdiction of the court hearing the case.

Can regular bail be rejected?

Yes, regular bail can be denied. However, if the bail application is rejected, it can be re-filed with a higher court.

What is regular bail?

Regular bail is bail that is filed under sections 437 and 439 of the CrPC and then granted by a criminal court (generally) after a person has been formally charged with a crime. This bond is normally established at a preset sum and is granted after both the prosecution and defense have presented evidence and arguments to the court.

Can a bond get cancelled?

Yes, when a bond for the purpose of guaranteeing a person’s attendance in a matter before the court is forfeited by infringement of an expressly agreed condition, the bond made by the accused and sureties should be revoked. Following that, the accused is not released from his personal bond in the case.

When is bond required?

A bail bond is necessary to complete the bail procedure. In the event that the court sets the amount of bail and the accused is unable to pay it on their own, the accused may seek the assistance of a bail bond agency or bondsman.

Note: The information provided is sourced from various websites and collected data; if discrepancies are identified, kindly reach out to us through comments for prompt correction.

Difference between Bond and Bail

Bonds and Bail are legal mechanisms used in criminal justice systems. A bond is a sort of surety a bail bond business posts to ensure the defendant’s release. In contrast, bail is the money given to the court to ensure the defendant appears for all scheduled hearings and trials.

Table of Content

  • What is Bond?
  • What is Bail?
  • Difference Between Bond and Bail
  • Conclusion
  • Difference Between Bond and Bail- FAQs

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Difference between Bond and Bail

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The primary goal of arresting and detaining the accused is to guarantee that he appears in court whenever he is summoned for trial. If the accused admits to the crime and is sentenced to jail, he must be present. However, if the person under indictment can appear in court without being imprisoned, it appears unjust to detain him in police custody until it is shown that he did the crime alone. Bond and Bail are two options offered to the defendant. While monetary bonds are referred to as bail, surety bonds are known as bonds....

Difference Between Bond and Bail- FAQs

How much does regular bail cost?...