Difference between Businessman and Entrepreneur





A businessman is an individual who establishes a business with an old idea. An entrepreneur is an individual having a new and exclusive idea to establish something new.


A businessman’s motive is to earn profits. An entrepreneur’s motive is to bring change to the world.


Businessmen are calculative in nature. Entrepreneurs are innovative in nature.

Risk Factor

Businessmen do not want to take a risk or take low risk. Entrepreneurs want to take more risks.


Businessmen focus on short-term profits. Entrepreneurs focus on long-term profits.


Businessmen face high competition as there are already many other people doing the same business. Entrepreneurs face low competition for the business since they enter a new market.


Businessmen are market players. Entrepreneurs are market creators.

Approach to Operate

Businessmen operate activities by using conventional methods. Entrepreneurs operate activities using innovative methods.

Difference between Businessman and Entrepreneur

The two terms Businessman and Entrepreneur are used interchangeably but there exists major differences between both of them. A Businessman is someone who starts or operates a business with a business idea that already exists in the market whereas an Entrepreneur is an individual with an exclusive idea to initiate something new and to bring change into the world.

Table of Content

  • Who is a Businessman?
  • Who is an Entrepreneur?
  • Difference between Businessman and Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur vs Businessman

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Difference between Businessman and Entrepreneur
