Difference Between Common Nound and Proper Noun

Contrasting common nouns with proper nouns helps to define them. Accordingly, all nouns fall into one of two categories: common or proper, albeit the same noun might serve as both in various circumstances.

• Common Nouns are broad; they typically refer to groups of objects, persons, and locations rather than specific ones. They can be changed by articles, determiners, and adjectives, and are only capitalized at the beginning of a sentence.

• Proper Nouns are the names of certain people, objects, locations, businesses, etc. They are often not modified by articles, determiners, or adjectives, and they are always capitalized. 

Common Noun Proper Noun












Maruti Suzuki


Banyan tree





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Common Noun – Definition, Examples, List & Usage

What is a common noun? and what is the difference between common nouns and proper nouns? You must have this question in your mind. In this article, we will explore more about common nouns and get to know about the differences between a common and proper noun.

Table of Content

  • What is a Common Noun?
  • Common Noun Definition
  • Common Noun Definition For Kids
  • Common Nouns Examples
  • Common Nouns Examples Used in Sentences
  • Difference Between Common Nound and Proper Noun

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