Difference between Continuous and Discrete Uniform Distribution

The difference between continuous distribution and discrete uniform distribution can be understood from the table given below.


Discrete Uniform Distribution

Continuous Distribution

Nature of Outcomes

Finite and countable set of outcomes

Infinite and uncountable range of outcomes

Probability Function

Probability Mass Function (PMF): P(X=x)= 1/n

Probability Density Function (PDF): f(x) = 1/(b-a)​

Range of Values

Specific discrete values x1​,x2​,…,xn​

Continuous range of values between a and b

Probability Calculation

Equal probability for each outcome: P(X=x)= 1/n

Equal density across the interval: f(x)= 1​/(b-a)

Cumulative Distribution

CDF increases stepwise with each outcome and is defined by F(x) = P(X ≤ x).

CDF is a linear function within the interval defined by F(x) = (x – a) / (b – a) for a ≤ x ≤ b


Specific values within a finite set

Continuous interval [a,b]

Real-World Application

Games of chance, like dice rolls or card draws

Random selection within a time interval, length measurement, etc.


Rolling a fair six-sided die (outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Selecting a random point on a line segment from 1 to 10

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Difference between Continuous and Discrete Uniform Distribution

Continuous and discrete uniform distributions are two types of probability distributions. A continuous uniform distribution has an interval of equally likely values. Instead, a discrete uniform distribution applies to a finite set of outcomes with equal probabilities.

In this article, we will discuss continuous and discrete uniform distribution along with a difference between them.

Table of Content

  • What is Continuous Distribution?
  • What is Discrete Uniform Distribution?
  • Formula of Continuous and Discrete Uniform Distribution
  • Difference between Continuous and Discrete Uniform Distribution

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