Difference between Desert and Dessert



An infertile or desolate, dry region with little or no vegetation. A sweet dish served after a meal.
While pronuoncing stress is given in the first half i.e. “dez-ert”. While pronouncing stress is given on the second half i.e. “dih-zurt”.
Originated from the Latin word “desertum” which means “an abandoned place”. Originated from the french word “desservir” which means “to clear the table”.
Related to heat and lack of moisture. Related to sweetness, satisfaction, and enjoyment.
Examples: Thar Desert, Sahara Desert, Great Sandy Desert. Examples: Custard, Ice Cream, Pudding, Cake, etc.

Difference Between Dessert and Desert

Desert and Dessert sound similar when pronounced but their meaning is different. While they have only a difference of “s”, they have completely different meanings and are pronounced differently.

Desert vs Dessert

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Difference between Desert and Dessert :

Desert Dessert An infertile or desolate, dry region with little or no vegetation. A sweet dish served after a meal. While pronuoncing stress is given in the first half i.e. “dez-ert”. While pronouncing stress is given on the second half i.e. “dih-zurt”. Originated from the Latin word “desertum” which means “an abandoned place”. Originated from the french word “desservir” which means “to clear the table”. Related to heat and lack of moisture. Related to sweetness, satisfaction, and enjoyment. Examples: Thar Desert, Sahara Desert, Great Sandy Desert. Examples: Custard, Ice Cream, Pudding, Cake, etc....


In conclusion, since the words “desert” and “dessert” are only one letter apart but they totally have different meanings and pronunciations....