Difference between Design classes and Analysis classes

This table illustrates the key differences between analysis classes and design classes:


Analysis Classes

Design Classes


Identify requirements and understand problem domain

Define how the system will be built and operated


What the system needs to do (functional requirements)

How the system will accomplish its tasks (implementation details)

Level of Detail

High-level, focusing on entities, attributes, and relationships

Detailed, specifying methods, attributes, and interactions


No implementation details, abstract representation

Implementation details specified, concrete representation


Depends on user needs, business processes, and external systems

Builds upon analysis classes, translating requirements into a structured plan


Use cases, user stories, domain models

Class diagrams, sequence diagrams, design patterns


Early stage of system development, before design

Follows analysis, comes before implementation


More flexible and subject to change during analysis phase

Less flexible, changes may require more effort during design phase

What is the Difference Between Design Classes and Analysis classes?

In System Design, understanding the difference between design classes and analysis classes is crucial. Analysis classes are like detectives they investigate and understand the problem at hand. They focus on what the system needs to do, without diving into how it will be done. These classes help developers grasp the requirements and goals of the software. While the design classes are like architects they take the findings from analysis classes and create a plan for how the software will work.

Important Topics for Difference Between Design Classes and Analysis classes

  • What are Design Classes?
  • What are Analysis Classes?
  • Relationship between Design and Analysis Classes
  • The Transition from Analysis to Design Classes
  • Real-World Examples of Analysis and Design Classes
  • Difference between design classes and analysis classes

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