Difference between export.create and router.post





export.create is used to export a function or object from a module.

router.post is used to handle HTTP POST requests in the Express application.


exports.create = (req, res) => { /* logic */ };

app.post('/api/example', (req, res) => { /* logic */ });


This depends on the logic which is inside the exported function.

This defines the; logic for handling POST requests.

Request Parameter

Depends on the function’s logic and input parameters.

Accesses the request parameters like req.body and req.params.

What is the difference between export.create and router.post?

export.create and router.post are used in the context of backend frameworks like Express JS. They both are used for handling HTTP requests and operate at different levels within the framework. In this article we will learn about export.create and router.post and see the key differences between them.

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