Difference Between For Loop and Do while Loop

Featuresfor loopdo-while loop
InitializationInitializes before loop startsNo initialization before loop starts
Condition CheckingChecked before executing loop bodyChecked after executing loop body
ExecutionWill not execute if condition is initially falseAlways executes loop body at least once
Examplefor(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { /* loop body */ }int i = 0; do { /* loop body */ } while(i < 5);
Use CasesKnown and finite iterationsMust execute loop body at least once
Control Variable UpdatesUpdated within loop body or update expressionUpdated within loop body, typically at end
Terminating ConditionCondition becoming falseCondition becoming false, but always runs once
ComplexityPreferred for collections or known rangesUseful for ensuring initial execution

Difference Between For Loop and Do while Loop in Programming

For loop and Do while loop are control flow structures in programming that allow you to repeatedly execute a block of code. However, they differ in their syntax and use cases. It is important for a beginner to know the key differences between both of them.

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Do-While Loop in Programming:

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Difference Between For Loop and Do while Loop:

Featuresfor loopdo-while loopInitializationInitializes before loop startsNo initialization before loop startsCondition CheckingChecked before executing loop bodyChecked after executing loop bodyExecutionWill not execute if condition is initially falseAlways executes loop body at least onceExamplefor(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { /* loop body */ }int i = 0; do { /* loop body */ } while(i < 5);Use CasesKnown and finite iterationsMust execute loop body at least onceControl Variable UpdatesUpdated within loop body or update expressionUpdated within loop body, typically at endTerminating ConditionCondition becoming falseCondition becoming false, but always runs onceComplexityPreferred for collections or known rangesUseful for ensuring initial execution...