Difference between Interface and type Statements




A type statement is an alias for an existing type. It allows to create custom types to give a more descriptive name to an existing type.

An interface is a set of rules that a class or object must adhere to. It specifies the methods and properties that the implementing class should have, without providing any implementation details.


The syntax for a type statement varies depending on the programming language. It can involve keywords like “type,” “typedef,” “alias,” or specific syntax rules provided by the language.

An interface is declared using the “interface” keyword followed by the interface name and the list of method or property definitions.


Type statements are used to define custom types or to provide more descriptive names to existing types.

Interfaces are mainly used to achieve abstraction and provide a way to define common behavior across different classes.


Type statements, in most cases, do not define behavior or implementation. They primarily define the characteristics or relationships of types.

Interfaces only define the structure and signatures of methods or properties, without providing any implementation details


Type statements, depending on the language, may or may not support multiple inheritance. They are primarily used to create new types or aliases for existing types.

Interfaces support multiple inheritance, meaning a class can implement multiple interfaces. This allows for greater flexibility and code reuse.


They allow for polymorphism and can be implemented by multiple classes.

They can improve code readability and maintainability by making the intent of the code clearer.

With interface-like behavior, we can define objects or classes with specific method signatures or properties that other objects or classes should adhere to. By following the signatures, we can achieve interface-like behavior in JavaScript.

For type aliases, we can utilize TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that introduces static typing features. TypeScript allows to create custom types using the type keyword, providing more descriptive names or combining existing types into new ones.

TypeScript Interface vs Type Statements

In TypeScript, both “interface” and “type” statements are used to define the shape or structure of an object or a type. They provide a way to define custom types and enforce type checking in TypeScript code. However, there are some differences between the two.

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