Difference Between Latency and Jitter



Latency is the time between when an interrupt occurs, and when the processor starts to run code to process the interrupt

Jitter refers to the interference experienced by an application thanks to scheduling of background daemon processes and handling of asynchronous events like interrupts.

High latency leads to gradual network performance and delays in facts transmission.

High jitter can disrupt the smooth delivery of information, causing buffering and degraded fine of carrier.

Represents the general time put off.

Captures the variability or fluctuation in time delays.

Time postpone in transmitting records packets from source to vacation spot.

Variation in latency over the years, measuring the inconsistency in packet arrival instances.

Static degree, providing a image of the delay

Dynamic measure, indicating modifications in postpone over the years.

Difference Between Latency and Jitter in OS

In the area of networking and operating systems, various terms are used to explain different aspects of facts transmission and community overall performance. There are two crucial ideas in this area latency and jitter. Understanding the distinction between these phrases is essential for optimizing the community’s overall performance and making sure of smooth facts transmission.

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Reasons of Jitter

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Difference Between Latency and Jitter

Latency Jitter Latency is the time between when an interrupt occurs, and when the processor starts to run code to process the interrupt Jitter refers to the interference experienced by an application thanks to scheduling of background daemon processes and handling of asynchronous events like interrupts. High latency leads to gradual network performance and delays in facts transmission. High jitter can disrupt the smooth delivery of information, causing buffering and degraded fine of carrier. Represents the general time put off. Captures the variability or fluctuation in time delays. Time postpone in transmitting records packets from source to vacation spot. Variation in latency over the years, measuring the inconsistency in packet arrival instances. Static degree, providing a image of the delay Dynamic measure, indicating modifications in postpone over the years....


The two most important parameters for tracking and evaluating network performance are jitter and latency. The time elapsed between a packet’s transmission from the sender and its reception at the recipient is known as latency. However, the difference in the forwarding delays of two successive packets received in the same streams is known as jitter....

Frequently Asked Question on Latency and Jitter – FAQs

How is latency measured?...