Difference Between Natural and Artificial Asexual Reproduction in Plants

The differences between natural and artificial asexual reproduction in plants. Here, we have mentioned some aspects on which we will differentiate both.


Natural Asexual Reproduction

Artificial Asexual Reproduction

Genetic Variation

Offsprings are genetically identical to the parent due to limited genetic diversity.

Minimal or genetic variation. Offspring are clones of the parent organism.

Reproduction Speed

Generally slower than sexual reproduction.

Rapid and efficient reproduction. It is faster than sexual methods.

Resources Required

Apply fewer resources. The process does not require any seeds or pollinators.

Efficient resource. Especially when specific traits needs preservation.

Genetic Diversity

Limited ability due to lack of genetic diversity.

Offers the potential to select desired traits for specific environments.

Traits Conservation

Preserves desirable traits.

Allows for the conservation of specific traits.

Propagation Success Rate

Success rate is lower.

Higher success rate.

Labor and Expertise

Requires less labour and expertise.

More labor and expertise needed.


Generally lower costs.

Higher cost with long-term benefits.

Mutation Risk

Lower risk of mutations.

Generally low.

Biotic Dependency

Lesser dependency on external agents.

Independence from external agents.

Population Expansion

Slower population expansion.

Rapid population expansion.

Asexual Reproduction In Plants

Asexual Reproduction in Plants involves using vegetative parts of a plant and causing them to regenerate into a new plant.  The new plant produced is genetically identical to the parent plant. Some common types of asexual reproduction in plants include vegetative propagation, budding, fragmentation, and Apomixis. It ensures rapid propagation and genetic uniformity.

However, the plant so produced is vulnerable to diseases and changes in the environment as it has limited genetic diversity. In this article, we will study Asexual Reproduction, Types of Asexual Reproduction, Natural and Artificial Asexual Reproduction along its Advantages and Disadvantages.

Table of Content

  • Asexual Reproduction in Plants
  • Types Of Asexual Reproduction In Plants
  • Artificial Asexual Reproduction
  • Advantages of Asexual Reproduction in Plants
  • Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction in Plants
  • Difference Between Natural and Artificial Asexual Reproduction In Plants
  • Difference Between Asexual Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction

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