Difference between RAD Model and Spiral Model

Definition RAD model is a software development model where by the components or functions are developed in parallel as if they were mini projects. Spiral model is a software development model and is made with features of incremental, waterfall or evolutionary prototyping models.
Main Objective Rapid development is its main objective. High assurance is its main objective.
Planning RAD model requirements and early stage planning is not necessary. Spiral model requirements and early stage planning is required.
Documentation It is necessary to have detailed documentation but in a limited manner. Detailed documentation is required.
Requirements Requirements are specified as time boxed release manner. Requirements are specified in the beginning.
Project Size RAD model is used between large and small project. Spiral model is used for large project.
Risk There is low amount risk in RAD model. There is medium to high amount risk in spiral model.
Team Size In RAD model small team size is required. In spiral model large team is required.
Flexibility to Change Flexibility to change in RAD model is Easy. Flexibility to change in spiral model is not that difficult.
Phases Overlapping In RAD model overlapping of phases is possible. In spiral model overlapping of phases is not possible.
Testing Testing is done in RAD model after completion of coding. Testing is done in spiral model at the end of the engineering phase.
Cost Cost of RAD model is Low. Cost of spiral model is very expensive.
Customer Involvement Customer involvement is only at the beginning. Customer involvement is high as compared to RAD model.
Maintenance RAD model is having easy maintenance. Spiral model has typical maintenance.
Reusability It offers reusability. Reusability is possible to some extent.

Difference between RAD Model and Spiral Model

Rapid Application Development (RAD) model and Spiral Model both are software development life cycle model. The Spiral Model is best for large, complex projects with significant risks, requiring detailed planning and extensive documentation, while the RAD Model focuses on rapid development with easy changes, using smaller teams and minimal planning, suitable for small to medium projects. The Spiral Model prioritizes risk management and high assurance, whereas the RAD Model prioritizes speed and flexibility with lower costs.

Spiral Model vs RAD Model

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Difference between RAD Model and Spiral Model

Aspect RAD MODEL SPIRAL MODEL Definition RAD model is a software development model where by the components or functions are developed in parallel as if they were mini projects. Spiral model is a software development model and is made with features of incremental, waterfall or evolutionary prototyping models. Main Objective Rapid development is its main objective. High assurance is its main objective. Planning RAD model requirements and early stage planning is not necessary. Spiral model requirements and early stage planning is required. Documentation It is necessary to have detailed documentation but in a limited manner. Detailed documentation is required. Requirements Requirements are specified as time boxed release manner. Requirements are specified in the beginning. Project Size RAD model is used between large and small project. Spiral model is used for large project. Risk There is low amount risk in RAD model. There is medium to high amount risk in spiral model. Team Size In RAD model small team size is required. In spiral model large team is required. Flexibility to Change Flexibility to change in RAD model is Easy. Flexibility to change in spiral model is not that difficult. Phases Overlapping In RAD model overlapping of phases is possible. In spiral model overlapping of phases is not possible. Testing Testing is done in RAD model after completion of coding. Testing is done in spiral model at the end of the engineering phase. Cost Cost of RAD model is Low. Cost of spiral model is very expensive. Customer Involvement Customer involvement is only at the beginning. Customer involvement is high as compared to RAD model. Maintenance RAD model is having easy maintenance. Spiral model has typical maintenance. Reusability It offers reusability. Reusability is possible to some extent....

Frequently Asked Questions on RAD Model vs Spiral Model – FAQs

1. Which is better RAD Model or Spiral Model?...