Difference between Riccia and Marchantia

Riccia and Marchantia are both liverwort but they do have some Differences, which are listed below;




Thallus Structure

Ribbon like

Lobe like

Reproductive Structure

Multicellular, stalked structures known as sporangi

Gemma Cup produces gemmae

Thallus Morphology

It is simpler and flattened

It is complex and lobe are of leaf like morphology


The foot and seta are absent from the sporophyte, which only consists of the capsule.

The foot, seta, and capsule of the sporophyte are distinct entities.

Type of Plant



Sex Organ




Antheridia of Riccia develops singly

Antheridia of Marchantia develops in groups


It has 4 cell embryo

It has 8 cell embryo


It develops on the surface of Riccia

It develops inside the thallus

Difference Between Riccia And Marchantia

Riccia and Marchantia are non-vascular plants that belong to the genre liverwort and division Marchantiophyta. These plants belong to the phylum Bryophyta and are exceedingly small plants that live under wet conditions. Riccia and Marchantia reproduce via an asexual mode of reproduction including spores. In their life cycle, they dominate and come after the gametophyte stage. Mosses and liverworts are two typical examples.

In this article, we will learn about the differences between Riccia and Marchantia and some similarities between Riccia and Marchantia as they belong to the same genre.

Table of Content

  • Difference between Riccia and Marchantia
  • What is Riccia?
  • What is Marchantia?
  • Similarities between Riccia and Marchantia
  • Importance of Riccia and Marchantia

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