Difference between SVG and HTML5 Canvas

SVG Canvas

SVG uses geometric shapes to render graphics

Canvas uses pixels

Vector based (composed of shapes) Raster based (composed of pixel)
SVG has better scalability. So it can be printed with high quality at any resolution. Canvas has poor scalability. Hence it is not suitable for printing on higher resolution.
SVG gives better performance with smaller number of objects or larger surface. Canvas gives better performance with smaller surface or larger number of objects.
SVG can be modified through script and CSS. Canvas can be modified through script only.
Multiple graphical elements, which become the part of the page’s DOM tree. Single element similar to <img> in behavior. Canvas diagram can be saved to PNG or JPG format.

Difference between SVG and HTML 5 Canvas

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML-based vector image format, suitable for creating graphics and interactive elements. HTML5 Canvas is more like a blank canvas where you can draw whatever you want using pixels. SVG is great for logos and icons, while Canvas is good for dynamic animations and games.

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