Difference Between unset and null

unset() null
Destroys a variable and frees up memory Assigns a null value to a variable
Makes a variable undefined Indicates that a variable has no value assigned
Cannot be used with non-variable expressions Can be assigned to any variable or expression

What is the Difference Between unset and null in PHP ?

In PHP, unset and null are used to handle variables differently. unset is a language construct used to destroy a variable, while null is a special value representing a variable with no value assigned to it.

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Difference Between unset and null

unset() null Destroys a variable and frees up memory Assigns a null value to a variable Makes a variable undefined Indicates that a variable has no value assigned Cannot be used with non-variable expressions Can be assigned to any variable or expression...


Variable Destruction: unset is used to completely remove a variable from memory, freeing up resources. Null Assignment: Assigning null to a variable explicitly sets it to a null value, indicating the absence of a value. Memory Management: unset can be useful for managing memory usage in PHP scripts by freeing up memory occupied by unused variables....