Difference between useReducer and useState hook





Simple and straightforward.

More complex, suitable for intricate state transitions.

Use Case

Ideal for independent state updates.

Suitable for managing complex state logic, especially when transitions depend on the previous state.


`const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);`

`const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);`

State Logic

Limited for simple state scenarios.

Allows for centralized state transition logic using a reducer function.


No dependencies on the previous state.

Can take advantage of the previous state in the reducer function.


Generally performs well for simple scenarios.

Can be more optimal for complex state logic by preventing unnecessary re-renders.

Difference between useState and useReducer

React offers powerful tools, like `useState` for simple tasks making it a friendly companion, and `useReducer` for complex challenges, functioning like a superhero team. While both manage information, `useState` is ideal for everyday simplicity, resembling a sticky note, while `useReducer` shines in intricate scenarios, handling simultaneous complex tasks. The choice between them depends on the nature of your website’s needs and the level of complexity involved.

Table of Content

  • useState Hook
  • useReducer Hook
  • When to use useState ?
  • When to use useReducer ?
  • Difference between useReducer and useState hook

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