Differences Between the Basic, Intermediate, and Detailed COCOMO Model



Intermediate COCOMO

Detailed COCOMO


Effort = a * (Size)^b

Effort = a * (Size)^b * EAF

Effort = a * (Size)^b * EAF * Mode Factors


Size-based estimation

Incorporates additional cost drivers for complexity

Extensive consideration of various factors

Size Metric

Thousands of Lines of Code (KLOC)

Same as Basic COCOMO (KLOC)

Same as Basic and Intermediate COCOMO (KLOC)

Complexity Factors

Not considered

Added cost drivers categorized into Product, Platform, and Personnel

Expanded set of 17 cost drivers

Cost Drivers


15 cost drivers for Product, Platform, and Personnel

17 cost drivers, including those from Intermediate COCOMO

Adjustment Factor


EAF (Effort Adjustment Factor) based on cost drivers

EAF multiplied by mode-specific effort factors

Development Modes



Differentiates between Organic, Semi-detached, and Embedded

Project Characteristics

Basic software development only

More comprehensive, considers development environment

Wide range of project-specific characteristics

Levels of complexity

Although it overlooks numerous project-specific considerations, Basic COCOMO offers a straightforward estimate based on size.

In order to increase estimation accuracy, Intermediate COCOMO provides cost elements that categorise aspects impacting development.

Detailed COCOMO takes into account several design elements and development approaches while also expanding cost variables.

Differences Between the Basic, Intermediate, and Detailed COCOMO Model

In the realm of software engineering, the Construction Cost Model (COCOMO) is a significant technique for estimating software costs that has been used for many years. To estimate the time, effort, and resources needed for software development to be successful, COCOMO offers an organized method. For better decision-making, enhanced project planning, and efficient resource allocation, project managers, developers, and stakeholders can use this effective tool.

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Differences Between the Basic, Intermediate, and Detailed COCOMO Model



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