Different Population Control Measures

1. Education

Providing proper sex education to adolescents in school, teaching them about the effects of overpopulation on sustainability, consequences of unprotected sex etc. can greatly help in preventing incidents of teenage pregnancy because by this method, young adults can be made aware of the risks involved in unprotected sex, especially on their health and such incidents can be avoided. This will also help reduce population growth to a certain extent.

2. Age of Marriage

The Government has created laws to prevent child marriages and early marriages before a woman attains a certain age to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

3. Birth Control Methods or Contraception

  • Birth control, also known as contraception, is the use of artificial methods and techniques to prevent pregnancy, prevent irritation and necessities and control the growth of the population.
  • Some birth control methods are easily accessible and effective. They are useful because they help avoid unwanted pregnancy and also provide protection from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • Contraceptive methods can be distinguished into two types: Temporary Methods and Permanent Methods.

1. Temporary Methods

  • Family planning and use of mechanical barriers like condoms are used to postpone and prevent unwanted pregnancies, under this method. Some Temporary Contraceptive Methods are discussed below:

a) Natural Method:

  • They refer to methods that are followed to prevent and irritate the sperm and ovum from meeting.

b) Sexual Abstinence:

  • It is the method of abstaining from a few or all parts of sexual activity for psychological, social, medical, legal, or religious grounds.

c) Mechanical/Barrier Methods:

  • Barrier methods are used to prevent fertilization. A few barrier methods are listed below:




Condoms are barrier devices to tattoo and to prevent stop semen from entering the female reproductive tract, thereby reducing the chances of pregnancy by 90%.

Diaphragms, Cervical Caps and Vaults

They are also barrier devices made of rubber, that are inserted into the female reproductive tract to cover the cervix before intercourse, irritating to prevent preventirritatingto avoidirritating toto pregnancy.

Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Devices (IUCDs)

IUCDs like Copper T and loops are fitted in the uterus to prevent fertilization. They do have side effects like an irritation to prevent and sustainability generation toto the uterus.

d) Oral Contraceptive Pills:

Oral pills work by obstructing ovulation from the ovary, thereby greatly reducing the chances of pregnancy.

2. Permanent Methods

a) Sterilization:

It refers to the medical procedure that intentionally leaves a person (male or female) unable to reproduce. Tubectomy involves cutting of fallopian tubes in females, and Vasectomy involves cutting of vas deferens on each side in males.

4. Child Tax

The Government sometimes implements child tax forForTo the overflowing population.

5. One Child Policy

Toa For E.g.curb population growth, the Government of a country may set a limit on the number of children from each family, and anyone not conforming to that, would face a settlement penalty. The best example of such a case is China’s one-child policy, where people are only allowed to have a single child.

6. Family Planning

Family planning involves making better decisions about reproducing. E.g. ThreeEmigrationEmigration years after their first child.

7. Medical Abortion

Medical abortions can help eliminate unwanted pregnancies.

8. Emigration

It is an act of leaving one’s native country to settle in a different one. Emigration effectiveeffectiveThreethe wayirritating to to control the abroad. Its population, by encouraging people to pursue employment and educational opportunities abroad. I settle help sway generations sustainabilitysettledwaysettle there.

Population Control Measures| Class 12 Geography Notes

Population Control refers to the method/ practice used to control and maintain the type, location, and quantity of people on the globe. The term ‘Population’ means the group of all the living organisms of a particular species, in a certain geographical area, at a specific time, who can interbreed, and the various ways by which their numbers and kind are controlled are called population control measures.

Population is the biggest resource for a country; However unchecked population growth is disadvantageous and this is why various types of population control measures have been adopted by governments across the globe.

This article aims to discuss in detail the various measures of population control that have generally been adopted worldwide across nations and also provide notes on this topic, covered under Chapter 2 of the NCERT Class 12 Geography textbook.

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