Disadvantages of Ideal Transformer

  • This case is only theoretically possible and isn’t true in real world or practical applications.
  • As it has no loss, so analysis of loss conditions can’t be done.
  • Ideal transformers has a limited frequency range and it can’t be used to study the behavior of large frequencies.
  • It is assumed to have perfect coupling but in reality there is leakage flux which reduces the efficiency.

What is an Ideal Transformer?

In this article, we will look into a special type of transformer known as the Ideal Transformer which is designed in ideal condition with no loss and 100% efficiency. We will discuss what is a transformer, ideal transformer. We will look into the working principle, properties, and equations of the ideal transformer. We will also look into an ideal transformer with load and with no load. In addition to these, we will also see the phasor diagram. Later, we will discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and applications of, the ideal transformer.

Table of Content

  • Transformer
  • Ideal Transformer
  • Ideal Transformer With Load
  • Ideal Transformer With No Load
  • Properties
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Applications

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Properties of an Ideal Transformer

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Advantages of Ideal Transformer

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Disadvantages of Ideal Transformer

This case is only theoretically possible and isn’t true in real world or practical applications.As it has no loss, so analysis of loss conditions can’t be done.Ideal transformers has a limited frequency range and it can’t be used to study the behavior of large frequencies.It is assumed to have perfect coupling but in reality there is leakage flux which reduces the efficiency....

Applications of Ideal Transformer

Ideal transformers are used to analyze the behavior of the practical transformer, as there is no loss and leakage of flux it easier to analyze.Ideal transformers are used for analysis of step-up and step-down transformer’s performance. Thus they are used for voltage transformation.This type of transformer are used to transmitting electricity at long ranges by stepping up the voltage of the transformer.It is used for coupling of signals which is used in audio and telecommunications.They are used of isolation of circuits to prevent it from grounding.The conversion ratio is used for voltage regulation in transformers....


In conclusion, Ideal transformer is a theoretical concept that is used to analyze the behavior of the transformer. This transformer has 100% efficiency and zero loss. This is very much useful for understanding the basic principles of the transformer. Although it is useful for understanding and analyzing the practical transformer operation differs from it. In practical applications there is losses, flux leakage and many other factors that are needed to be considered....

Ideal Transformer – FAQs

Which law is used in Transformer?...