Disadvantages of TRIAC

  • Sensitivity to Voltage Transients: TRIAC can be delicate to voltage homeless people or spikes, which can set off accidental exchanging or harm the gadget. Proper insurance circuits might be expected to moderate this issue.
  • Non-Linear Conductance: The conductance of a TRIAC isn’t straight with the door current, which can make exact control seriously testing in certain applications.
  • Gate Triggering: TRIAC require exact entryway setting off to accurately work. Wrong setting off can bring about undesired conduction or breakdown. Outer circuits are frequently expected to create the right door trigger signs.
  • Limited to AC Applications: TRIAC are planned explicitly for exchanging current (AC) applications and can’t be utilized to control direct current (DC) loads without extra hardware.
  • No Isolation: TRIAC don’t give electrical confinement between the control circuit and the heap. In certain applications, this absence of confinement can be a wellbeing concern or may require extra parts to give disengagement.
  • Limited Switching Speed: TRIAC have impediments on their exchanging speed, which may not be appropriate for high-recurrence applications. For extremely quick exchanging, different gadgets like protected door bipolar semiconductors (IGBTs) or MOSFETs might be more suitable.
  • Limited Voltage Range: TRIAC are ordinarily utilized in low-and medium-voltage applications. For high-voltage applications, elective gadgets like high-power thyristors might be more appropriate.
  • Limited to Resistive Loads: TRIAC are the most appropriate for controlling resistive burdens. They may not be reasonable for a few inductive or capacitive burdens, and extra hardware might be expected to successfully deal with these heaps.


We know that a unidirectional device like a SCR incorporates the characteristics of the reverse blocking current since it stops the progression of current in a reverse-biased state however for a few applications, this sort of current control is essential, particularly in AC circuits. So this can be accomplished through SCRs, where the association of two SCRs ought to be finished in enemy of lined up for controlling over both positive as well as bad information half cycles. However, this game plan can be changed through a unique semiconductor device called TRIAC, used to accomplish bidirectional control. This device controls the air conditioner unequivocally and every now and again utilized in controlling the speed of the engine, AC control devices, AC circuits, light dimmers, pressure control systems, and so on.

In this Article We will be Going Through TRIAC (Triode for Alternating Current), We will go through the Types of TRIAC, Characteristics of TRIAC, How to Trigger the TRIAC, TRIAC Dimming and at last we will Conclude our Article With its Applications, Advantages, Conclusion and Some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • Construction
  • Triggering of TRIAC
  • Types
  • TRIAC Dimming
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Applications
  • TRIAC Vs Thyristor

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Advantages of TRIAC

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Disadvantages of TRIAC

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Applications of TRIAC

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