Disadvantages of unit impulse signal

  • Graphical visualization of unit impulse signal is difficult and can we cannot understand its proprties with the help of visualization.
  • Unit impulse signal has the discontinuities in its derivates .
  • In some case unit impulse may leads to the divergent while using in integrals.
  • Practical implementation of the unit impulse signal is difficult.
  • Unit impulse signal can be used as a theoritical tool but not as a practical tool.

Unit Impulse Signal in Control System

In this article, we are going to learn about the unit impulse signal in control systems. We know that a signal is a source of information that varies with time, space, temperature, and other independent variables. We can also define a signal as a function that conveys information about a phenomenon or a process. There are two types of signals continuous time domain signals that are defined for every instant of time and discrete time domain signals that are defined for discrete time instants. Standard signals are the signals that are used to know the performance of the control systems using the time response of the output. These signals have the known form of the mathematical expression. Standard signals are impulse, step, ramp, parabolic, and sinusoidal. Unit impulse signal is also one of the standard signals. Let us now discuss about the impulse and unit impulse signal in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Unit Impulse Signal?
  • Types of unit impulse signal
  • Properties of unit impulse signal
  • Characteristics of unit impulse signal
  • Applications of unit impulse signal
  • Advantages of unit impulse signal
  • Disadvantages of unit impulse signal

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What is a Unit Impulse Signal?

In control systems, an impulse signal is a fundamental concept used to analyze and understand the behavior of LTI systems. Impulse signal serves as a building block and crucial tool for understanding system behavior and analyzing system responses.An impulse signal is often denoted by δ(t), is an idealized mathematical function that is zero everywhere except at time=0, at time t=0 it is infinity (∞). Mathematically it is represented as follows:...

Types of unit impulse signal

Continuous time unit impulse signal...

Properties of unit impulse signal

The unit impulse signal is an even signal . The mathematical expression to determine the unit impulse signal is even signal is shown as :...

Characteristics of unit impulse signal

Unit impulse can be represented in both continuous time domain and discrete time domain.Area under the unit impulse signal is equal to one , this characteristic represent the energy or amplitude of the unit impulse signal to normalized to 1.By the derivation of unit step signal in continuous time domain we get the unit impulse signal. ([Tex]\frac{\mathrm{d} u(t)}{\mathrm{d} t} =\delta (t) [/Tex]).By the integration of the unit impulse signal will gives the unit step signal in continuous time domain. ( [Tex]\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }\delta (t) dt = u(t)[/Tex]).This unit impulse signal is orthogonal to all other signals , but it is not orthogonal to itself . At the point of concentration unit impulse signal has the amplitude that is equal to one.Arthimetic operations like addition in discrete time domain , multiplication in continuous time domiain , scaling , shifting can performed on unit impulse signal ....

Applications of unit impulse signal

Unit impulse signal can be used for modeling and analysing the linear time invariant system. We can find the information of the behaviour of the system with the help of response of the unit impulse response.Unit impulse signal can be used in the signal reconstruction and can be used as a sampling function.Unit impulse response is used in the control systems to understand and analyze the dynamic behaviour of the system and gives the information regrading the stability and performance of the system.It can be used for the edge detection ,enhance the spatial characteristics of the image in the image processing .This unit impulse signal can be used for the generation of many controlled input signals .The frequency response of the unit impulse signal provides the information which is helpful for the designing of the filters.Unit impulse signal is used in the network analysis to determine the output of the networks and circuits.Unit impulse response is used in solving the diffential equations , it makes the computation easy to get the output of the system....

Advantages of unit impulse signal

Unit impulse response provides an easy ways for the mathematical computations.For the system analysing and modeling , we almost use the unit impulse signal.This can be helpful for the calculation of the transfer function.It can be served as an analytical tool for the differential equations.Shifting property of the unit impulse signal makes the impulse signal as a sampling function . Sampling function can be used for the analyze of the system easily.Unit impulse response be an important tool for the determination of spectrum and frequency compenents of the continuous and discrete signals....

Disadvantages of unit impulse signal

Graphical visualization of unit impulse signal is difficult and can we cannot understand its proprties with the help of visualization.Unit impulse signal has the discontinuities in its derivates .In some case unit impulse may leads to the divergent while using in integrals.Practical implementation of the unit impulse signal is difficult.Unit impulse signal can be used as a theoritical tool but not as a practical tool....


In this article we have learnt about the impulse signal , unit impulse signal in both continuous time domain and discrete time domain . We have learnt about the different types of the unit impulse signals , its applications , advantages and disadvantages . We also learned about the properties of the unit impulse signal and at the same time we also learned about the characteristics of the unit impulse signal. We have discussed about the applications of the unit impulse signal in different fields and domain . From the above discussion we can conclude that the unit impulse function has the versatile nature . It is one of the most important tool for the system analysis and modelling . To know the performance , stability and to understand the system behaviour unit impulse response is the best component . It plays a key role in the mathematical caluculations , convolution and analyzing system stability ....

Frequently Asked Questions

What is unit impulse signal ?...