Dispatch Decorator

A Dispatch decorator is used to select between different implementations of the same abstract method based on the signature, or list of types.


# Python program to demonstrate
# dispatch decorator
from multipledispatch import dispatch
def func(x):
    return x * 2
def func(x):
    return x / 2
# Driver code



In the above example, the @dispatch(int) statement suggests that the Dispatcher ‘func’ is created and then allocates the ‘int’ type as the key and dispatcher ‘func’ as the value and allocates it to the ith index in the namespace (dictionary).

Now you all must be wondering what is a namespace? Don’t worry let’s have a look at the namespace.


A namespace is nothing but a dictionary that is used by the dispatch decorator. The dispatch decorator creates a dispatcher object with the name of the function and stores this object as a key-value pair. This dictionary is used to map a functions like func in the above example to a dispatcher object like Disptacher('func').

By default, the namespace used is the global namespace in multipledispatch.core.global_namespace. For additional security, one can establish their own namespaces using a dictionary.


from multipledispatch import dispatch
nsp = {}
@dispatch(int, namespace = nsp)
def func(x):
    return x * 2
@dispatch(float, namespace = nsp)
def func(x):
    return x / 2
# Driver code


{'func': <dispatched func>}

Dispatch Decorator in Python

Decorators are a very powerful and useful tool in Python since it allows programmers to modify the behavior of function or class. Decorators allow us to wrap another function in order to extend the behavior of the wrapped function, without permanently modifying it.


# defining a decorator 
def hello_decorator(func): 
    # inner1 is a Wrapper function in  
    # which the argument is called 
    # inner function can access the outer local 
    # functions like in this case "func" 
    def inner1(): 
        print("Hello, this is before function execution"
        # calling the actual function now 
        # inside the wrapper function. 
        print("This is after function execution"
    return inner1 
# defining a function, to be called inside wrapper 
def function_to_be_used(): 
    print("This is inside the function !!"
# passing 'function_to_be_used' inside the 
# decorator to control its behavior 
function_to_be_used = hello_decorator(function_to_be_used) 
# calling the function 


Hello, this is before function execution
This is inside the function !!
This is after function execution

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Dispatch Decorator

A Dispatch decorator is used to select between different implementations of the same abstract method based on the signature, or list of types....