Django Templates

In Django, URLs play a crucial role in navigating through different views and templates within your web application. When working with Django templates, several key concepts enhance the flexibility and functionality of your frontend. Template filters allow you to manipulate variables displayed in your templates, enabling transformations like date formatting or string manipulation.

Django Tutorial | Learn Django Framework

This tutorial also provides you with Django projects to help you apply your knowledge and build some cool web applications. These projects not only provide you with experience in building with the Django framework but will also add value to your resume. This Python Django tutorial teaches basic to advanced Django concepts for backend development. Learn topics like forms, templates, views, ORM, etc.

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Python Django

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Why Use Django Framework?

Excellent documentation and high scalability. Used by Top MNCs and Companies, such as Instagram, Disqus, Spotify, Youtube, Bitbucket, Dropbox, etc. and the list is never-ending. Web framework Django is easy to learn, rapid development, and Batteries fully included. The last but not least reason to learn Django in Python, It has a huge library and features such as Web Scraping, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Scientific Computing, etc. One can integrate all this with web applications and do lots and lots of advanced stuff....

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Django Views

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Django URLs

In Django, URL patterns serve as a crucial mechanism for directing incoming requests to the appropriate views within your web application. With the flexibility of regular expressions, Django’s URL dispatcher allows you to define patterns that match specific URL patterns and route them to corresponding views. When dealing with GET parameters passed through URLs in Django, accessing these parameters within views is straightforward, enabling efficient handling of user inputs and customization of responses....

Django Templates

In Django, URLs play a crucial role in navigating through different views and templates within your web application. When working with Django templates, several key concepts enhance the flexibility and functionality of your frontend. Template filters allow you to manipulate variables displayed in your templates, enabling transformations like date formatting or string manipulation....

Django Models

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Django Forms

To start, you can create a form using Django Forms by defining a class that inherits from Django’s forms.Form class. Within this class, you can specify the fields you want to include in your form using various field types provided by Django, such as CharField, IntegerField, EmailField, etc. Once you’ve defined your form, you can render HTML forms in Django using both GET and POST methods. Django’s built-in template tags and filters make it easy to render forms in your HTML templates while ensuring security and CSRF protection....


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Django Projects

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Python Django Interview Question

Interviews are most important aspect of job recruitment and you need to prepare for interviews if you want to get job sooner. We have compiled some of the most asked interview questions for Django Developers....

FAQs on Django Tutorial

Is Django easy to learn...