Docker Engine vs. Docker Machine

Docker Engine:

  • The heart of Docker is the Docker Engine. What it does is run and manage containers within a host system.
  • It provides everything necessary for containers to be created, run, and managed in an efficient way.
  • Consisting of a server daemon (dockerd) and a command-line interface (docker), Docker Engine enables users to interact with Docker.

Docker Machine:

  • On different platforms like local virtual machines, cloud providers including AWS, Azure or Google Cloud Platform etc., as well as others, docker machine serves as an automated tool for provisioning/maintaining docker hosts(machines).
  • It makes setting up docker environments across different infrastructure providers much easier by automating the creation/configuration process of them.
  • To create, inspect, start, stop and manage docker hosts; a command line interface named ‘docker-machine’ is used by Docker Machine.

What is Docker Engine?

Docker is software that helps developers. It packages applications in containers. The contents include all needed code, libraries, and settings. Docker solves problems in software building. The containers run on different computers and systems. Docker helps manage the full lifecycle of the containers. So Docker is very useful for modern app development.

Docker makes managing things like images, containers, networks, and volumes simpler. It has a client-server setup. This helps with moving workloads easily. As more businesses use­ Docker for its efficiency and scalability, it’s important to understand its parts, how to use it, and its benefits. That way, you can use container technology properly.

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