1. Do Your Research on the company and the position before you start. This will help you hit the ground running and be better prepared for your day-to-day tasks.

2. Dress Professionally. First impressions are essential, and you want to look like you’re serious about the opportunity and ready to work hard. Keep it professional and conservative. This is your chance to show that you can be counted on and that you’re someone professional.

3. Be Punctual and Reliable. Some companies may even offer you a full-time job after your internship if they’re impressed with your work ethic. Do stay professional at all times. Even if the work environment is quite relaxed, it’s important to remember that this is a professional setting, and you should conduct yourself accordingly.

4. Be Proactive and Take the Initiative. Don’t wait to be given tasks; ask if there’s anything you can help with. It shows that you’re willing to go above and beyond to make a good impression. Ask questions and take advantage of the opportunity to learn from more experienced employees. 

5. Take on Additional Tasks and Responsibilities as they come up. This shows that you’re willing to go above and beyond. Additional tasks also give you a chance to learn new skills.

6. Do Networking. An internship is an excellent opportunity to meet people in your field and make connections. Attend company events, industry networking events, or even introduce yourself to people you work with. 

Internship Etiquette: Important Do’s And Don’ts For Internships

Many students these days are turning to internships to gain experience in their desired field and to make connections in the industry. An internship can be a great opportunity, but there are some essential things to keep in mind to make the most of it. It is an excellent opportunity to learn and grow, but there are some things you should avoid doing if you want to make a good impression.

Here are some important dos and don’ts to make the most of your internship:

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