Evaluation Metrics for Regression Task

Regression is used to determine continuous values. It is mostly used to find a relation between a dependent and an independent variable. For classification, we use a confusion matrix, accuracy, f1 score, etc. But for regression analysis, since we are predicting a numerical value it may differ from the actual output.  So we consider the error calculation as it helps to summarize how close the prediction is to the actual value. There are many metrics available for evaluating the regression model.

In this Python Code, we have implemented a simple regression model using the Mumbai weather CSV file. This file comprises Day, Hour, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, and Wind Direction. The link for the dataset is here.

 We are basically interested in finding a relationship between Temperature and Relative Humidity. Here Relative Humidity is the dependent variable and Temperature is the independent variable. We performed the Linear Regression and used the metrics to evaluate the performance of our model. To calculate the metrics we make extensive use of sklearn library.


# importing the libraries
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error,\
    mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_percentage_error

Now let’s load the data into the panda’s data frame and then split it into training and testing parts (for model evaluation) in the 80:20 ratio.


df = pd.read_csv('weather.csv')
X = df.iloc[:, 2].values
Y = df.iloc[:, 3].values
X_train, X_test,\
    Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y,

Now, let’s train a simple linear regression model. On the training data and we will move to the evaluation part of the model using different metrics.


X_train = X_train.reshape(-1, 1)
X_test = X_test.reshape(-1, 1)
regression = LinearRegression()
regression.fit(X_train, Y_train)
Y_pred = regression.predict(X_test)

Mean Absolute Error(MAE)

This is the simplest metric used to analyze the loss over the whole dataset. As we all know the error is basically the difference between the predicted and actual values. Therefore MAE is defined as the average of the errors calculated. Here we calculate the modulus of the error, perform the summation and then divide the result by the number of data points.  It is a positive quantity and is not concerned about the direction. The formula of MAE is given by

MAE = ∑|ypred-yactual| / N


mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true=Y_test,
print("Mean Absolute Error", mae)


Mean Absolute Error 1.7236295632503873

Mean Squared Error(MSE)

The most commonly used metric is Mean Square error or MSE. It is a function used to calculate the loss. We find the difference between the predicted values and the truth variable, square the result and then find the average over the whole dataset. MSE is always positive as we square the values. The small the MSE better is the performance of our model. The formula of MSE is given:

MSE = ∑(ypred - yactual)2 / N


mse = mean_squared_error(y_true=Y_test,
print("Mean Square Error", mse)


Mean Square Error 3.9808057060106954

Root Mean Squared Error(RMSE)

RMSE is a popular method and is the extended version of MSE(Mean Squared Error). This method is basically used to evaluate the performance of our model. It indicates how much the data points are spread around the best line. It is the standard deviation of the Mean squared error. A lower value means that the data point lies closer to the best fit line.

RMSE=√(∑(ypred - yactual)2 / N)


rmse = mean_squared_error(y_true=Y_test,
print("Root Mean Square Error", rmse)


Root Mean Square Error 1.9951956560725306

Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE)

MAPE is basically used to express the error in terms of percentage. It is defined as the difference between the actual and predicted value. The error is then divided by the actual value. The results are then summed up and finally, we calculate the average. Smaller the percentage better the performance of the model. The formula is given by

MAPE = ∑((ypred-yactual) / yactual) / N * 100 %


mape = mean_absolute_percentage_error(Y_test,
print("Mean Absolute Percentage Error", mape)


Mean Absolute Percentage Error 0.02334408993333347

Machine Learning Model Evaluation

Machine Learning Model does not require hard-coded algorithms. We feed a large amount of data to the model and the model tries to figure out the features on its own to make future predictions. So we must also use some techniques to determine the predictive power of the model.

Machine Learning Model Evaluation

Model evaluation is the process that uses some metrics which help us to analyze the performance of the model. As we all know that model development is a multi-step process and a check should be kept on how well the model generalizes future predictions. Therefore evaluating a model plays a vital role so that we can judge the performance of our model. The evaluation also helps to analyze a model’s key weaknesses. There are many metrics like Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 score, Area under Curve, Confusion Matrix, and Mean Square Error. Cross Validation is one technique that is followed during the training phase and it is a model evaluation technique as well.

Cross Validation and Holdout

Cross Validation is a method in which we do not use the whole dataset for training. In this technique, some part of the dataset is reserved for testing the model. There are many types of Cross-Validation out of which K Fold Cross Validation is mostly used. In K Fold Cross Validation the original dataset is divided into k subsets. The subsets are known as folds. This is repeated k times where 1 fold is used for testing purposes. Rest k-1 folds are used for training the model. So each data point acts as a test subject for the model as well as acts as the training subject. It is seen that this technique generalizes the model well and reduces the error rate

Holdout is the simplest approach. It is used in neural networks as well as in many classifiers.  In this technique, the dataset is divided into train and test datasets. The dataset is usually divided into ratios like 70:30 or 80:20. Normally a large percentage of data is used for training the model and a small portion of the dataset is used for testing the model.

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Evaluation Metrics for Regression Task
