
EventOn is another quite popular option available. It is a beautifully made event calendar that presents events in a minimal clutter-free design. The designs are easy to understand.


  • It has an easy to understand and beautiful design, multiple views.
  • Offers self-designed SEO friendly templates


  • It is a paid plugin
  • The interface can be improved as it is not easy to use for many

Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/eventon-lite/

10 Best WordPress Plugins for Event Calendar 2024

Today, having an WordPress Plugins for Event Calendar is essential. It is quite helpful for any business. This is helpful for businesses to grow and sustain their growth. It helps in various tasks. It is essential to inform the users about upcoming events and manage the booking of various event calendar plugin wordpressand meetings. Any event or meeting can not work well without proper planning. This planning is essential for having a proper and sustainable way to ensure that the events or meetings take place professionally and on time.

WordPress is a popular option for various businesses and gives their services to users and customers. WordPress is commonly used as a utility in businesses. It offers various event calendar plugin wordpress for doing various tasks. There are also many plugins for this task of event calendar.

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Modern Events Calendar

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10 Best WordPress Plugins for Event Calendar 2024 – FAQs

What is an online event calendar?...