Events occur on the draggable target

Three events are used to drag an element from the source location. 

Event Functionality
ondragstart This event is used when the user starts to drag an element.
ondrag The ondrag event is used to drag an element.
ondragend This event is used to finish the dragging of an element.

HTML ondrop Event Attribute

The ondrop event attribute is used to drag an element or text and drop it into a valid droppable location or target. The drag and drop is a common feature of HTML 5

There are different events that are used and occur before ondrop event. 

  • Events occur on the draggable target
  • Events occur on the drop target:

Note: By default, the images and links are draggable.

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Supported Tags:

It supports all HTML tags....

Events occur on the draggable target:

Three events are used to drag an element from the source location....

Events occur on the drop of the target:

The list of events that are used to drop an element is given below....

Supported Browsers:
