
The exam for TCS job profiles can be reasonably thought of as a basic competency test built around testing general aptitude, logical reasoning, and technical ability. It consists of the kind of questions that any person who has a decent level of awareness of general CS and math-related topics can be reasonably expected to solve. The exam tests for verbal ability by Sentence Completion, Best Expresses Synonyms, Error Identification in a Sentence, etc. type of questions. Their numerical aptitude consisted of questions related to profit and loss, time and work, ratios, and mixtures. Numerical ability was also tested through questions on probability, quadratic equations, permutation and combination, series and sequences, and percentages. Logical reasoning questions like seating arrangement problems, odd man out, and distance direction were also asked. Data Interpretation from graphs and pie charts is also essential as there was one such passage with multiple questions attached to it.

TCS Ninja Interview Experience

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is a multinational IT giant that hires freshers regularly. They have multiple job profiles that they hire for, in the following article, I will solely be talking about the Ninja Job Profile, which I have experienced firsthand. The article is divided into two parts: the exam and the interview portion.

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The exam for TCS job profiles can be reasonably thought of as a basic competency test built around testing general aptitude, logical reasoning, and technical ability. It consists of the kind of questions that any person who has a decent level of awareness of general CS and math-related topics can be reasonably expected to solve. The exam tests for verbal ability by Sentence Completion, Best Expresses Synonyms, Error Identification in a Sentence, etc. type of questions. Their numerical aptitude consisted of questions related to profit and loss, time and work, ratios, and mixtures. Numerical ability was also tested through questions on probability, quadratic equations, permutation and combination, series and sequences, and percentages. Logical reasoning questions like seating arrangement problems, odd man out, and distance direction were also asked. Data Interpretation from graphs and pie charts is also essential as there was one such passage with multiple questions attached to it....


After clearing the preliminary examination process, an interview is scheduled with a panel consisting of both technical and non-technical people. Thus the interview became a combination of both technical and HR round combined together....