Example of REPLACE() Function

The following query replaces World with w3wiki.


SELECT REPLACE("Hello World!", "World", "w3wiki") as Greeting;



Explanation: In the above query we use the REPLACE function to modify the string Hello World! by replacing every occurrence of the substring World with w3wiki. In the output we assigned the alias Greeting is Hello w3wiki! which is a string where the specified substitution has been applied.

How to UPDATE and REPLACE Part of a String in MariaDB

MariaDB is one of the most popular open-source database systems. It is developed by the developers of MySQL. In this article, we will How to UPDATE and REPLACE part of a string in MariaDB along with various examples and methods and so on.

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Overall After readingthe whole articl,e you havea good understandingof How to UPDATE and REPLACE part of a string in MariaDB, We have seen the variousmethodsd along with the output and explanation of output. Now you can perform various queries to REPLACE part of a string in MariaDB....