Example of Teraflop Class Computers

  • K computer is one of good and well sighted example of teraflop class computer and was developed by Riken Advanced Institute for Computational Science in Japan and K computer has the process capacity of 10.51 petaFLOPS.
  • Summit supercomputer is also a teraflop class computer and was built by IBM and NVDIA jointly and operate at a processing capacity of 200 petaFLOPS.

What is a Teraflops ?

Teraflop or TeraFLOPS (Tera Floating-point Operations Per Second) is a unit of measurement of computer performance and is widely used for expressing the CPU computing power or for parallel processing systems. In this article, we will learn all about TeraFLOPS like its definition, floating point calculation, the difference between Petaflop and Teraflop, key terminologies, primary technologies, applications, advantages, and disadvantages, etc.

Table of Content

  • TeraFLOPS
  • What is a TFLOP?
  • What are Floating-Point Calculations?
  • Difference Between Petaflops and Teraflops
  • Advantages of TFLOPS or TeraFLOPS
  • Disadvantages of TFLOPS or TeraFLOPS
  • Applications of of TeraFLOPS
  • Real Life Examples of TeraFLOPS
  • Do TFLOPs matter for gaming?

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Teraflops are used for describing the computer processing speed and agility involving complex and extensive mathematical operation(real or floating point) for domains such as scientific calculation, financial, and machine learning....

What is a TFLOP?

A TFLOP, or TeraFLOP , is a measurement unit of and used for describing the CPU(Central Processing Unit) or GPU(Graphics Processing Unit)computing power....

What are Floating-Point Calculations?

Floating-point calculations are a basic mathematical operation and are used for computing with decimal or fraction related operation for a modern computing systems....

Difference Between Petaflops and Teraflops

Aspect Petaflop Teraflop Definition A petaflop, denoted as PFLOPS, and is also used for measuring computing power and petaflop is one quadrillion or equivalent to 1000 teraflop. A Teraflop is also a computing unit and has the processing ability to calculate one trillion floating-point operations per second. FLOPS Petaflop uses quadrillion floating point representation and one PFLOPS is one quadrillion(10^15) floating point operation per sec. Teraflop uses trillion floating point representation and one TeraFLOP is one trillion(10^12) floating point operation per sec. . Computational Power Petaflops has a huge and extensive computing capability and are widely used with very few but powerful super computers to deal with scientific research, and artificial intelligence. TeraFLOPS are generally used for enhancing the computing power of modern computers having GPU, gaming and graphics cards enabled systems....

Key Terminology related to TeraFLOPS

Computer system: A teraflop denotes the processing power and speed of a computer including the memory unit like super computers, device’s (input and output) and built-in processors. Floating-point operations: Floating point calculation are the elementary and fundamental mathematical operations and are used by computers to perform floating point addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division subsequently. Performance metric: Performance metrics are a unit of measurement and uses for speed measurement of a teraflop enabled computer....

Understanding the Teraflop

Tera flop are built using distributed and shared non volatile memory and compression technique (advance and complex) and support parallel processing to enhance the processing capacity and provide high-performance....

Example of Teraflop Class Computers

K computer is one of good and well sighted example of teraflop class computer and was developed by Riken Advanced Institute for Computational Science in Japan and K computer has the process capacity of 10.51 petaFLOPS. Summit supercomputer is also a teraflop class computer and was built by IBM and NVDIA jointly and operate at a processing capacity of 200 petaFLOPS....

Advantages of TFLOPS or TeraFLOPS

Complex and demanding Calculation: TFLOP class computing system can deal with challenging and demanding tasks with higher processing and complexity such as executing scientific simulation, genomics and artificial intelligence. Gaming: TFLOPs enabled super computer are capable of providing enhance and soothing experience of gaming by providing smoother animations, and more detailed and clear graphics and so on....

Disadvantages of TFLOPS or TeraFLOPS

Cost: TFLOPS class computer are generally very expensive and costly. Power consumption: Power consumption is a bit of concern and TFLOPS class system requires a lot of potential and power to provide better processing and efficiency....

Performance Comparison of TFLOPS with GPU and CPU Computers

Let’s consider a document processing task to process and extract text from a large number of documents....

Applications of of TeraFLOPS

1. GPU with TFLOPS are now widely used for industries such as Television, Film and many more for experiencing standard and ultra clear animation and audio visual effects....

Real Life Examples of TeraFLOPS

Weather forecasting : Teraflop class computers are widely for dealing with weather forecast models and used for training the model as to handle and detect the weather pattern and to do accurate predictions on the same by meteorologists. Drug discovery: Teraflop class computer can be very useful for analysis of complex and unusual simulation of molecular dynamics for the Pharmaceutical researchers and to accelerate the new drug discovery for helping curing disease and neurological symptoms....

Do TFLOPs matter for gaming?

Yes, TFLOPs have a great impact and matter matters a lot for gaming as TFLOP can enhance the gaming performance and visual effects. A GPU system with TFLOP can definitely be helpful for complex gaming systems with high processing capacity and higher frame rates and can ensure smooth functioning as well as crystal clear animations and visual effects....


Teraflop computing is a great and astonishing development in the domain of computing system and can provide high processing speed and capacity to deal with complex and extensive tasks with efficiency and energy efficient as well....


How do we calculate the Teraflop?...