Example of the Heap Sort

Step 1: Array Input Taken and then inserting the elements in a Binary Tree.

Step 2: Using Max Heapify to get the maximum element at the top.

Step 3: Removing the element from the Binary Tree and then adding the element in result array(Maximum element).

Step 4: Continue the above step to get the second top element. Continue it till Tree is Empty.

Step 5: After Removing all the elements we get the sorted Array created using the removed elements.

C Program for Heap Sort

Heap sort is a comparison-based sorting technique. It works on the data structure known as “the binary heap”. It is one of the most efficient sorting algorithms. It takes relatively less time than selection sort, bubble sort, and insertion sort. Heap sort is an unstable sorting algorithm since the position of a similar element gets changed. Heap sort works with Max Heap (Heap is a complete binary tree. A max heap has a parent node greater than the child nodes).

In this article, we going to deep dive into the sorting algorithm and working of heap sort. We are also going to implement heap sort in C language.

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Example of the Heap Sort

Step 1: Array Input Taken and then inserting the elements in a Binary Tree....

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