Examples of MariaDB MAX Functions

Example 1: Determining the Maximum Height Using MAX() Function in the ‘People’ Table

Table Structure (People):

Table people


SELECT MAX(Height) AS MaxHeight FROM People;


output example 1


  • We have a table entitled “People” which its columns are Id, Name and Height. There is also only one goal – finding the max height of this table.
  • Hence, the maximum height is obtained with MAX() function from “People” table. The answer is a number that can be interpreted as the highest point in meters, here 180.
  • 180 is the result of the MaxHeight.

Example 2: Extracting the Latest Order Date Using MAX() Function in the ‘Orders’ Table

Table Structure (Orders)

table orders


SELECT MAX(OrderDate) AS LatestDate FROM Orders;


output example 2


  • In this, another table titled “Orders” with three columns OrderID, CustomerID and OrderDate. The goal is to find the LatestDate listed in the set of dates.
  • To know the latest order date from “Orders” table, a MAX() function was used. The result is a price that represents the most recent order date, which is March 10, 2023 at 15: 20.
  • So the LatestDate result is ‘2023-04-13 18:10:00‘.

Example 3: Utilizing MAX() Function with Joins, Groups, and Sorting on ‘Sales’ and ‘Products’ Tables

Table Structure (Products):

table products

Table Structure (Sales):

table sales


MAX(s.TotalRevenue) AS MaxRevenue
Products p
Sales s ON p.ProductID = s.ProductID
MaxRevenue DESC


output example 3


  • In this case, we use two tables namely “Products” and “Sales” with columns as ProductID, ProductsName, Category, SaleId , Quantity, UnitPrice, Total Revenue sold respectively. The targeted outcome is locating the product generating highest total revenue.
  • The query performs MAX(s.TotalRevenue) with joins, groups and sorts using join statements. It fetches the amount of total gross revenue excess for each item from “Sales” table and relates it with respective details about that item’s name, Code etc. in an associated linked Table called “Item”.
  • ORDER BY MaxRevenue DESC Sorts the results in decreasing order of total revenue and LIMIT 1 makes it ensure that only one result is retrieved as the top item.
  • And so MaxRevenue output for Laptop is “4000.00”.

MariaDB MAX Function

In MariaDB MAX() Functions, We’ll explore the MariaDB MAX() function – a powerful tool for finding the highest values in different data types. We’ll break down its simple syntax and practical uses, showing how it helps uncover key insights from numeric, date, and string datasets. Join us on a journey to understand and leverage the simplicity and effectiveness of the MAX function in MariaDB.

In this article, we will delve into the details of the MAX() function, its syntax, and how to use it effectively to find the maximum value in a MariaDB database. Our goal is to equip you with the understanding to easily discover the highest values in your database, improving your skills in managing data with MariaDB.

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