Examples of MariaDB MIN Functions

For a better understanding of Min Function in MariaDB, we need a table on which we will perform various operations and queries. So in this article, we have a DETAILS table which consists of id, NAME, and SUBJECT as Columns. If you don’t know How to Create a Table in SQLite then refer to this. After inserting data into the DETAILS Table. The table looks:


Deails Table

Explanation: In the above image we have retreived all the records from the table DETAILS.

Example 1: Using the MIN( ) Function to Get Minimum Value

In this example, We are going to use the MIN() function with the table DETAILS. Generally as mentioned earlier the aggregate operators are used to make the operation easier.

Generally the MIN() function is used to return the minimum value from the given column in the relation. When we use the MIN() function it checks for the lexographical order and returns the string based on that.






  • In the above image we have used the MIN() function along with the string fields.
  • The MIN() Function when used along with the Min .It returns the smallest string in the lexographical order.
  • As Durga is smallest in the lexographic order across all name as it returns Durga.

Example 2 :Using MIN() Function With the Numeric Fields

Let’s find the minimum id in the DETAILS Table.






  • In the above image we have used the MIN() function along with the numeric fields.
  • Here id is having the numerical values.
  • So when we use the MIN() function along with the id. It returns 1 as 1 is the smallest value.

Example 3: Using the MIN() Function with GROUPBY Clause

In this query we are going to use GROUP BY Clause . The GROUP BY Clause is used to group a particular field with the help of aggregate functions. In this query we will use the aggregate functions such as LENGTH and COUNT .

  • COUNT : The COUNT() function is used return the number of fields that have particular value in the relation.
  • LENGTH : The LENGTH() is used to return the length of a string type .The Length is mainly used with the string fields .

In the below query we are going to extract the Minimum name in number of names grouped by their length. Generally when they are grouped by the length they give the name on the basis of the lexographic order.





Explanation: In the above Query, We have fetched the name of person based on the length of name (string). The output names are sorted according to their names length.

Example 4: Using the MIN Function Along With the HAVING Clause

In this query we are going to use HAVING Clause along with the MIN function. Generally we use the HAVING Clause along with the aggregate operators. In the below query we are going to extract the name which is of lowest lexographical order from the records whose length is of exactly 5. We have grouped the records with the name.


SELECT MIN(name) , LENGTH(name) FROM students GROUP BY name HAVING LENGTH(name)=5;



Explanation: In the above Query, We have fetched name of person and the length of name string. Here we have grouped the name of DETAILS and find the name along with length of name(string) is 5.

MariaDB MIN Functions

MariaDB is a relational database language that is similar to SQL. We know that in a relational database language, the data is stored in the form of relations which are nothing but the tables. Similar to SQL which has aggregate functions such as MIN(), MAX(), AVG(), and LEAST() functions. These aggregate functions in the MariaDB help us to make operations faster and easier. MariaDB is a cost-effective solution for small and large web projects compared to other databases.

In this article, We will learn about the MIN Function in MariaDB along with its syntax, practical examples of some functions, and so on.

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